just got my period!!!! bf and got my period. thought it would take a lot longer? sucks:( 7 weeks and 5 days ago i gave birth and now got my period despite bf. i heard it will be really heavy, will it? light so far.
Mine always went back to normal with bf. At least you know for sure when you have to be carefuland don't have to guess anymore.
you're so right about knowing. that's the only bright side of this lol. i am waiting for the heavy flow the hospital told me about. so far, i haven't readm uch online about it. i am dreading this. so long without a period and here i am.. ughh lol
| EM - September 21 |
I started my first one today too! Must be going around. My son is 4 months old. Very light so far though.
false alarm, only had a little pink spotting, and some this morning. no sign of the old hag. not sure why i've been spotting, because my lochia ended on the 21st day after delivering my baby. i'm not nearing the 8th week postpartum.
| c - September 23 |
My son is almost 5 months and still no period. I'm hoping it doesn't come back till after I am done b___stfeeding.
| P - September 30 |
My daughter is 6.5 months old and I started ol' flo two days ago.