Can I still have a VBAC after 2 c-sections? I was cut across on both procedures( internally)
Yes, you can. It will be a little harder to find a doctor willing to support you but it is still okay. I've heard of women who had a VBAC after four and five c-sections. Your sisks are increased, but only a little. My advice is, get books about VBAC, look up everything you can on the internet, go to the library, call every doctor in the phone book and ask about their policies on VBAC, and just learn everything you can. The more you know, the more options you have, and the more likely you are to get what you want. I've read "The VBAC Companion: The Expectant Mother's Guide To Vaginal Birth After Cesarean" It's very informing.
Sorry, sisks is supposed to be risks. And the author of the book is Diana Korte.