Adhesitons After A C Setion
2 Replies
| Amy - February 10 |
Hello ladies i have had a really bad pain on the left side of my belly button and went to dr today and he said that when he done my c-section that there were some adhesitons that he had to rip and it was them growning back does the pain ever stop this was my 4th c-section he said it would get better wow i hope so
That has not been the case for me. I still have scar/adhesion pain 4 years later. My doc says the only "cure" is to have no more abdominal surgeries and live with the current situation unless organ function is impaired. The surgery to remove adhesions can usually lead to more adhesions. I wish I hadn't had a c-section.
| Amy - February 11 |
Oh Hailie does it hurt really bad everyday? i was told not to have #4 but i pushed it and did and now i have this is it is better today i hope it stays like this i could live with it like this how may c-sections have you had