Anyone Schedule A Csec For 37 Weeks
6 Replies
I was wondering because I have been dilated to a 2 or 3 for at least 3 weeks and I am almost 31 weeks if my doctor would schedule my csec for as soon as I hit full term which is 37 weeks, if I make it that long.....I am just sooo.... uncomfortable I am hoping the sooner the better, as long as I can take my baby home with me...anyone have any advice?
| djh - October 28 |
bb, I know you get very miserable towards the end of pregnancy (I had 4 c-sects) but you must try and go as long as possible. Just because many babies do OKAY at 37 weeks doesnt' mean that is optimal for them. If you personally ovulated later in your cycle and you pick 37 weeks to do a non-emergent c-section you could be putting your baby at increased risk for no reason. I just finished my OB rotation and there are full term 40 weekers who have trouble maintaining their body temps at birth and with c-sections and early births (before 39 weeks) there were several cases of respiratory problems since the babies didn't have the benefit of labor and squeezing (yes, that is actually good for most babies!) If your baby is a boy there is even more chance of transitory respiratory distress. Just try and wait as long as possible. I would not allow them to schedule a c-section for any of my babies and that was a good thing. My second son was natural labor start at 39 weeks and a c-section (7.3 pounds) and his lung collapsed with a NICU stay of 17 days, my daughter was natural labor start at 40 weeks and she only weighed 5pounds 9 ozs, imagine if she had been scheduled 3 weeks earlier, and my last son was a preemie and even though he was large for his gestational age he spent 3.5 weeks in the NICU and came home with a heart monitor for 6 months. So, just try and be patient and hang in there and this is not meant to scare you. The risks of a little bit of labor are so statistically insignificant for MOST women that getting close to your actual due date won't hurt you. Good luck!
My daughter (2nd baby) was born by scheduled C at 38 weeks, 4 days. When I had my 3rd (ds) they wouldn't do them before 39 weeks, so I scheduled it 3 days before his due date (happened to be the most convenient day of the week, as far as timing it so dh and my mom could take the least # of days off work).
I already have it scheduled for 38 weeks so it sounds like that is where I will keep it.
I had 2 c-sections at 36 weeks and one at 38.3. My first 2 were because of preeclampsia and my babies were sick due to prematurity and my 38 weeker was great. Keep them in there as long as possible. Even at 36 weeks my first was ventilated for almost a week.
I have had tow babies born preterm. My Daughter was born at 34 weeks and had to stay in the NICU for 2 weeks. She was alright but she only weighed 3.11lbs. She just needed to grow and she was born via a c-sect due to fetal distress. My son was born at 35 weeks he was much bigger than his sister at 6.2lbs. He had a longer stay of 3.5 weeks because of major lung problems. He was also born c-sect because of fetal distress, and my uterus has a small rupture. As a mother who has gone thru the NICU 2x Please keep that baby in a long as possible. Babies that are born via a c-sect have more respiratory problems. I know my problems aren't the worst they can be but going home without your baby is a very hard thing to do. So hang in there and keep that baby inside if you can. Best wishes and good luck
My little man was born by emergency c section at 37 weeks. I had gone into labour and failed to progress. Maybe I am being nosey but I wonder if you are having a c section out of choice or because you have to. If there is a medicalreason why you need a c section I would imagine your dr would want you to have it before you go into spontaneous labour.