| Kay - January 22 |
Right to cut a long story short my previous birth with my daughter 2 years ago was very traumatic for, i was in labour for 18 hours, didnt dilate, was induced, baby was distressed, she had a bowel movment in me the works basically. nothing progressed what so ever and then i was rushed in for an emergency cersarean, my daughter came out with black arms and legs and wasnt breathing, but after ahwile they got her breathing again and rushed her to SCBU.
What i am getting at is i had an interview with a consultant about an elective cesarean for my current baby i am carrying now. Thing is , he was adamant that i WILL give birth naturally. hardly let me talk.
I suffer from panic attacks and if i were to give birth naturally and one was to happen while in labour that will be it, i pass out and im bound to have another emergency.
I would love to try natural but in my mind i want an elective, i know what will be coming so i wont panic. Its my body and my partner knew the distress child and i were in from previously so why wont the consultant allow me to have my birth the way i want it??
I know its best, can he make me have a natural? and just totally ignore my fear of the birth going the same way it did last time?
thank you for any comments ,i have another interview scheduld for when im 36 weeks. Im currently 26 weeks.
thank you for taking the time to read this :)
| Kay - January 22 |
sorry thats 28 hours not 18
| K - January 22 |
What country are you in? I take it you are not in the U.S.? Here, after a c-section most places you have to argue if you want to try natural for a second baby. I had an emergency C-section too, and in my area the hospitals refuse to allow me to even try to have a VBAC if I get pregnant again- they are against all of our local hospital's policies. I didn't have the horrible long experience you had so I would prefer to try natural the 2nd time, but it is not an option here. What's a consultant? Are they with the hospital? What does your doctor say?
I'm also curious as to where you are located. I do identify with you as far as the fear part. I live in the states and I delivered my daughter by c-section in August. She was stillborn at 40 weeks due to a cord accident. At first, I was glad that I did a c-section because then my next pregnancy would be an automatic c-section. Like K said, you really have to search for a doc who will "allow" VBACs in the states. As difficult as it is, try to keep in mind that every pregnancy is different. I am not pregnant again, but am hoping to TTC within the next few months and although I am terrified of losing another baby, I have recently decided that i would like to attempt a VBAC and I was actually surprised to find a doc in my area who will do them. It really is a personal decision and I would not feel guilty about whatever you choose. There is nothing wrong with wanting another c-section.