How Long Do You Wait In Recovery
9 Replies
I am having my 4th c-section under General Anesthia & having my tubes tied at the same time. How long after the surgery do you normally wait in recovery before getting taken to your room? I can't remember with the last 3 cause that was so long ago.
With getting your tubes tied... I don't know. But I know my last 2 c-sections were about an hour in the recovery room. I spent hours there with my first (emergency c-section) but it could have been 4 or 8 hours, not sure. Good luck with the baby!
ihad a c section in january andb was actually taken straight to my room after they closed up my incision.
I actually had my c-section 3 weeks ago & I now can answer my own question. It was an 1 hour.
| KH - August 21 |
a little less than an hour for me.
Misty-I too will be having my 4th and final c-sect. in March and having my tubes tied too. Did you find it any different than your previous c-sect? Was recovery any longer after?
i spent about 2 hours in recovery on both my c-sections.
I waited an hour with each of mine...followed by a 2 day hospital stay and 6 weeks of no heavy lifting. With my second, I was back to work 3 weeks later...
Tubes tied? don't know... My friend Steph had her son c-section the same day I had mine and she had her tubes tied. If I remember correctly, she was only in there for about 2 hours...
How was the 4th c did it take a long time, was there alot of scar tissue?