Is It Normal To Be Doubled Over
5 Replies
This is my second period since my c-section 5 months ago. It is day 2 and I am still doubled over in pain from the cramps, which feel similar to when I was in labor. For those of you who have had c-sections - was your period more painful after the surgery? Did it ever go back to being just a nuisance and not debilitating? Is there a medical reason for why I am in so much pain? DH said to go to the doctor but I do not know what they can do for me... Thanks.
I have had 2 c-sections and I never experienced anything like that. I suggest you go and see your Dr. if you are in that much pain.
Likewise, never had that kind of pain. I would contact your doctor.
After 2 c-sections, I would say go to the doc! I never even needed tylenol to curve the pain (very mild) let alone doubled over. There could be some serious probs! Maybe an infection! Get checked asap!
My periods were more painful for about a year after my first c-section. They were heavier too.
Thanks everyone. I appreciate your responses. My doc called and said it is normal to have crazy and intensely painful periods for a few months, after a c-section. She told me they can feel like labor all over again. I was told that if it stays this way for more than a few months, I need to make an appt to be seen. The pain will lessen over time. It is 4 days later and I am still in pain, although not as badly. It is mostly a dull, lower backache now ... I had no idea this was going to hurt so badly. Thanks again:)