Nervous I M Scheduled For Tomorrow
9 Replies
I'm so nervous. Yesterday i went to my doctors for a repeat check up. I had an ultra sound while i was there, and found out that my baby is measuring 3 weeks to small. I'm 37 weeks as of yesterday so i'm full term now. So my doctor sent me over to the labor and delivery yesterday for some fetal monitoring. If my baby was'nt brething well or the heart beat was'nt doing well she said i would have her then. So it was either yesterday or thursday. Well im having her on thursday. She is breeched so thats why i'm having the c-section.
My problem is that Im am so afraid of needles and the surgery and having a cathiter. I hope she is ok. She's 4 lbs and 15 ounces. So by the time recovery is over she'll be at least 5 lbs so i can take her home. I really cant wait to meet her, but I'm so nervous.........
i would be lying to you if i tell you it is not natural to be nervous...but remember people do it everyday. i have had 2 and i am pregnant with my third which will also be c section. no matter how many times you have done it you are still will be fine, just keep a positive open mind...and it really isnt that bad..and it is oh so worth it for you to finally meet the love of your life..there is nothing like seeing your baby for the first time so just focus on that and you will be fine! good luck!
A few things...first, it's normal to be nervous, but you're going to be so excited that it's finally time to meet your baby, that you'll probably be more excited than scared. Second, you don't see the needle for the anesthesia. You feel it, but it just feels tight, not painful. They put the catheter in after you're numb. You'll know it's there but you won't feel it until later, and it doesn't hurt once it's in either. And third, ultrasound isn't always that accurate for guessing the weight. They were off by 3 lbs with my first baby. So your baby may be bigger than they think. But if they're right, most babies lose up to 10 oz after birth, so don't be suprised if she spends a little while in NICU gaining some of the weight back. The nice thing about that is that the NICU nurses are really good at teaching you how to care for your baby...when I had my first baby, they even taught me CPR before I could take her home. Congratulations...I bet you're so excited you won't get any sleep tonight!
You and baby will do great. You will get a needle in your arm, the IV, and that will stay in there with tape on it. They will deliver fluids, and medications through that. The cathiter for the spinal or epidural should be routine, though I know it is scary to think about. Your baby will be out in no time and you will never imagine how life could have been without her. Try to relax today, make sure you have everything, especially something for gas pains after surgery (some herbal teas work). I will be thinking about you, especially since my best friend is having a c-section tomorrow too! Good luck to you both.
Hi, its ok to be nervous, that gets your prepared for things both good and bad. I do, however, what to prepare you more for your baby. I know doctors say that a baby is "full term" at 37 weeks, but that simply isn't true. The powers that be are now coming to the consensus that 37 weeks is exactly that, 37 weeks or "near term". They are backing away from treating 37 weekers the same as 39-40 weekers. So be prepared for a sluggish nurser, or a baby that sleeps through a very vital feeding and has more trouble than usual moving their tongue out of the way to latch on to b___st or bottle. I also have another question, the reason they usually do breech births by c-section is because they are afraid the head will be too large after the body has been born. If your baby is small that isn't an issue. Many second twins are delivered breech once the mother has proven twin A can pa__s. YOu should discuss this also. The catheter does suck and the spinal is icky and weird. The surgery made me very sick and I did not enjoy the pain afterwards. But, since I have an odd shaped pelvis it was necessary. Best of luck to you!
New Mommy, I wanted to wish you luck. I have had two sections (both at 39 wks) due to my first being breech and will have my third (and last) in June. I had wonderful birth experiences that I would not trade for anything. I hope yours is the same. I also wanted to let you know that my sister in law was told at 37 weeks that her little girl was measuring too small at just 4lbs. At 39 weeks, she delivered a 7lbs plus baby (breech section as well). The dr admitted the ultrasound measurements were off. I also want to prepare you that babies usually lose weight in the hospital after birth. Don't stress. My first weighed 7lb 6oz at birth and weighed 6lb 14 oz when we left the hospital. My second weighted 8 lb 14 oz at birth and weighted 8 lb 4 oz when we left. All my nieces and nephews have done the same. Good luck on everything!! The best advice I can give you is get up and walk as soon as they let you. This helped me so much!
You are going to be nervous and that is natural. Just try to relax. The will let you know everything they are doing as they are doing it. Once you are numb from the epidural or spinal block, you wont feel anything. The medicine they give in the epidural will help relax you and you will be in a la la state. You will still know what is going on, but you will be very relaxed.The nurses are always great. Least that has been my experience with both c-sections. The recovery will be tough with your first. Its painful, but get up and move as soon as possible. It will hurt, but the more you lay around the harder it is. Trust me! Best of luck and enjoy your new baby. Once he/she is will forget all your worries. Good luck and congrats!
New Mommy, i just called my friend who I mentioned is having a c-section tomorrow too. She was crying the minute she heard my voice. She is also very nervous, this is her second c-section. She is mostly scared of the spinal too. I do wish you luck and just wrote again because it was so different actually talking to my friend who is going through it than reading what you wrote. I realized just how nervous you might be -- she is a nurse too and her father is a surgeon and she is still scared out of her mind. Hang in there, you'll do great.
Good luck, sweetheart! I think it would be abnormal NOT to be nervous. No one is going to say the catheter and the spinal are fun, and neither is the recovery from surgery, but you need one and so just try and enjoy this last night as an expectant mom, for tomorrow you will be somebody's MOTHER!
Thanks eveyone! I'm so excited for tomorrow I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight. Ya know? Well I'll let you all know how it went.