Brittany,good luck with your choice,I hope you write back and tell us about the birth.I have had one of each,and prefered the c-section.You wanted positive feedback,all I can tell you,is what I have been saying before,c-sections have come on in leaps and bounds,done frequently,you are pretty likely to know at least one person these days who have had a c-section,and the recover fine.I felt the operation was very good,I felt apprehensive sure,but relaxed going into the hospital,certainly different to being in labour.The nurses are there to help,and the operation was pain-free and actually fine,the baby came out all healthy,and it was fantastic being wide awake pain-free looking at my baby,not tired from all that pushing,and relieved labour was over.The pain medication they have these days really help,when you 1st get out of bed is the most difficult,but there are people to help you,and you know that each day you will get better.It is not a uncontrolable pain,like I had with my natural birth,but one you can manage,and the pain meds do excellent pain relief.I accept it is commen for the recovery to take longer from a operation,but for me I was so sore down there after my natural birth,and felt like I was dying during birth,that I can tell you I prefered the st_tches being on my tummy where I could see it healing.The other point is,on an emergency section if you had to have one,and no-one knows if they will or not,but you may have to endure labour,which honestly I am glad I missed the 2nd time,go through all that only to be told you are not progressing,and have one anyway.It would obviously take longer to recover from an emergency section.Also,I had a greater feeling of going through a c-section together with my husband,sounds daft maybe,but with my first birth I felt so alone,like the pain could not get any worse yet it did,it felt like my legs were being ripped apart,and I had to focus,but was alone...it is difficult to describe,but as I say my section was more controlled,more relaxed,and so much better.I have had my children now,but now I am wiser I would never have attempted a natural delivery first time.It might work for others,but not me.You cannot always have pain relief as you expect I wanted an epidural and it did not take,I had other stuff but it made me sick,I was a mess.The pain,well,I would rather have months...not that I did...but I would have months coping after an operation,than hours feeling like I could not go on.That is my story,others will give you theirs,but thats mine.