Should I Have An Elective C Section
1 Replies
My grandmother had 2 children which completely destroyed her bladder and significantly weakened her pelvic floor. She experienced severe incontinence problems after her children were born which continually agonize her today.
I realize that aging and va___al childbirth are the two main reasons for pelvic floor problems.
My mother had three chlidren all of which were 30+ hours of labor. She also had diabetes (just a note). My mother had to have bladder surgery because of her weakened pelvic floor muscles (due to her va___al births). I am TTC now and am wondering if I should get a c-section. Would it even be considered elective with my mother and grandmothers past history? I would like to be able to avoid all the pain and suffering they went through having to deal with severe incontinence. I already have a slight case of incontinence and tend to let out a little urine when I cough, sneeze or laugh. I realize that when I get older that it will only get worse and if I give birth va___ally that will almost guarantee I suffer from the same fate as my mother/grandmother. I have been researching this topic for over a year now and understand the risks. I feel as though I have made an informed decision on this subject. I want a c-section. I know some doctors aren't necessarily open minded when it comes to this and am curious as to what your thoughts and opinions are. I am hoping to find a doctor willing to perform a c-sections and be open minded enough to let me choose my own birth experience.
Thank you very much for your time.
| djh - January 17 |
Hi, sorry about your mom and gramma. I must tell you though, that pregnancy alone can cause pelvic floor relaxation. Since you already have some stress incontinence I am not sure a c-section will change that either, and c-sections can also make those issues worse due to scar tissue and bladder trauma during the surgery. I NEVER had any issues with stress incontinence until I had my c-sections. I had bladder trauma due to the small area of my pelvic cavity and 4 sections. My bladder has never been the same and I eventually had a hysterectomy because of scarring and bladder issues. I think you should really discuss with your doc these issues. Studies are proving that c-sections do not really prevent bladder issues like they had hoped. Good luck to you for a healthy birth.