hi all xx. I'll try and explain a bit about myself so u can understand my problem. I have just turned 22 and am currently 8 weeks pregnant with my 4th pregnancy. During my 1st pregnancy I took a serios blood clot in my left illaic vein witch started in my groin and ended just below my heart. I was in hospital for 9 weeks in total and had to get an operation b4 my C/section to put a filter in my chest to protect my heart and lungs should part of the clot break, I had my c/s while under general anthestic and when I woke up I was screaming in agony, It sounds silly but I didn't prepare for any pain or discomfort, I always though c/section was the 'easy' way. It took 3 days before I could hold my DD. My 2nd pregnany I tried for a normal delivery but complications called for an emergency c/section, This time I was wide awake and just had a spinal, My problem is I screamed and kicked and cryed the whole way through!!!! I was completely terrified, I know this sounds silly but the thought of being cut open, My pulse raced through the c/section making me tacki cardic, my 3rd pregnancy I m/carried at 18weeks 1st june 2005. This time I am scared I might m/carry but the thought of a c/section frightens me more... when I got a blood clot when I was 17 I was transferred to the Royal Victoria Hospital In Belfast but my 2nd child was born in my local hospital as there was no major problems, During my 2nd c/section I was constantly screaming at the anethsitist to 'knock me out' or give me something to make me drowsy but he wouldn't, What am I going to do?? I cannot describe just how scared I am, Please help.. Amanda N.Ireland
| Wow - February 28 |
Wow, Mandy. I think you will have to see a psychologist to help you with some pre-delivery coping tools. I understand your fear, I do! I in no way think c-sections are the easy way and I personally think they are incredibly painful. Since you have already had a very serious complication of both pregnancy AND c-sections, I applaud your tenacity to even try again. I think you must speak with a psychologist or psychiatrist to prepare! There is no shame in enlisting aid for a complex physical and emotional issue. Best wishes.
I wouldn't worry too much about the csection right now. That is way down the road. Plus you could discuss the idea of actually being put under anesthesia this time around with your doctor. Worry about the section when the time is appropriate. You don't need to stress yourself out this bad this early in the pregnancy. I would like to congratulate you on your pregnancy.