Hi eveyone! Ive been lurking on this board for weeks and now that im on CD2 and starting clomid tonight, im super excited BUT, i have a question about something--
I just had a culoroskpy (sp) for an abnormal pap and im supose to have some spotting BUT i think im actually starting AF. So im starting clomid tonight (CD2) BUT im worried that its just spotting from exam and not AF. The date seems about right to start my cycle but my cycles can be a little off. SOOOOO... what would you guys do??? should i start the clomid tonight or wait till maybe cd4 or 5 when im positive.
i was hoping to start today cause i heard that starting on cd2 give you a greater chance to produce more folicles..... i will be doing 150mg. BTW, im 35 and 240 lbs. I hope that 150mg is the right amount cause i do weigh a bit more.... and my last two children were singletons concieved with 50mg. HELP!!!