Will A Incesional Hernia Make You Look Pregnant
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I had 3 c- sections. After my third, I started to feel a small ball on my right side over my third incesion. I looked up a incesinal hernia and I believe I have that. When i stand it is there if i cough or sneeze it pops up.. But when I lie down it goes away. Anyway -i went to the emergency room they confirmed my belief. The doctor said many people live with it for many years as long as it dont bother them. I decided to leave it alone.. Im afraid of being cut opebn again.. Heres my question, does anyone know if a incesinal hernia will cause your upper part of your stomach to be hard and big. I dont have any pain from the hernia the ball is growing in size but no pain. My stomach is the part that bothers be. I look like I am about 4 or 5 months pregnant and my stomach is so hard. I took 3 pregnancies test they all came up negitive. is anyone experiences this??