Any Tips For Someone Having A C Section
12 Replies
Having a c-section in 7 weeks and want to feel educated and prepared. Anything you wish people had told you before your c-section? Especially if it was planned, not emergency...
Thanks a lot.
One thing that is not a necessity but kinda nice - is if before you go in, prepare lots of meals beforehand -so you can heat and go. It's just one less thing to do when you're trying to recover and get used to a baby.
My section was emergency but one thing that i did that helped me alot is i got up as soon as i could even though it was hard and i took small walks a few times a day up and down the hospital halls which helped so much and i was able to get around normally when i got home. i also tried not to take the percocet after the 2nd or 3rd day b/c it makes having bowl movements harder on the belly. try ib profin. good luck!
It sounds silly, but do not drink out of a straw at the hospital. It will increase the gas that you'll get in your belly. That's what I was told anyway. And although it hurts, try to lay on your left side, it helps the gas to go away quicker.
| JL - January 17 |
Eat a lot of fiber. It will be painful to have a bowel movement at first. You don't realize how much you use your abs for that, even if you think you are not straining at all. Sorry to be gross, but it's true.
After the c-section, ask the nurses for gas medicine. They'll give you simethicone drops, the same thing you'll probably be using for your baby later on. Also, itching can be a side effect of the anesthesia and they can give you meds for that. You'll need a good supply of overnight maxipads for when you get home, because you'll have a fair amount of v____al bleeding. Try to get some rest in the hospital--if baby's rooming in with you, don't hesitate to ask the nursery to take the baby for a few hours while you sleep.
| sye - January 18 |
my first c section my doctor and midwife would encourage me to get up and helps speed up the healing process but never push yourself...definately, don't lift anything unless your doctor says it's o.k...i was up and walking around in 3 days and it normally takes about 6 weeks to fully recover...i recovered and was up and mowing the lawn at 3 weeks after my c section...
| sye - January 18 |
when i had a section with my 1st daughter, not only was i encouraged to walk, but the doctor wouldn't let me go home until i could have a bowel movement with out any problems....
I've had three sections. The last two I had on a Friday, and I was up and ready to be discharged Sunday morning. I believe that I recovered quickly because I started walking as soon as possible, and I didn't take any of the pain meds. Drinking lots of water and taking fiber is also a big help. Good Luck.
get up as soon as you can it will help with the recovery...and there is a trick to start pa__sing is to drink some hot tea, then prune juice and is a miracle drink if you drink the consecutively works wonders...for me the worst part about it was the pain that comes with gas....good luck!
| Lia - January 27 |
My advice is TO TAKE THE PAIN MEDS. I was able to walk and move a bit better only when I had some pain meds on board. Don't wait too long to take them, it is easier to keep pain to a bearable level than it is to chase it down. I also fell in love with my "Boppy" pillow, the baby laid on it instead of on my fresh incision when nursing! Like the others said, GAS is the number one surprise for those having their first c-section! Have some meals cooked and frozen before you go to the hospital, clean your house and have everything you need on the first floor so you can minimize stair-climbing if possible or necessary. I also had diapers, wipes and feminine supplies on both levels of my home. I paid all my bills in advance, and had my help at home ready. I grocery shopped, bought baby announcements and thank you cards so I could sit back and recover without having to drive and worry about pain meds. I also wish to let you know that scheduled c's don't always mean less pain...I was very surprised that my second, scheduled one was as painful as my first. Best of luck to you!
Ok this may sound weird, but it was so cool. I asked for a mirror (they had overhead mirrors at this hospital) to watch my 2nd c-sect. It was so neat to see my son come into the world and it also kept my mind off the tugging and pulling feeling. Unfortunately at the hospital I deliver at now they only have the v____al side mirrors and you can't see anything, however someone told me that you can look into the reflective metal off the overhead lights and get a good view too. I am going in for my 4th and final c-sect. at the end of March, so going to see if can view it that way. Sorry if this grosses anyone out-it was really cool though to see everything going on.
bring some peppermint tea to help get the gas moving, also little walks will help that too. i felt like a granny walking up and down the hallway hoping (praying) to toot.