Breastfed Twins After C Section Anyone
2 Replies
have anyone of u ladies successfully br___tfed ur twins after having a C-section? i'm having twins and might have to have a C-section but i want to br___tfeed.
I b___stfed my twins for a year after a c-section. They were in the NICU for 23 days and I had to pump. It took quite a while for them to get the hang of it. There was a 6 week period of time where I had to nurse them, pump, and give them bottles of b___st milk. It was really worth it, though. My advice is to get them on a schedule as soon as you can!
Me too! I just found this site quite by accident, and I doubt I'll find it again, but wanted to answer. My twins turn one in 3 weeks and are still nursing. Exclusive b___stmilk until they were between 4 and 5 months when we introduced solids. Good luck!