Tamika/ my doctor warned me that 1/3 of women return to normal after a tubal ligation, 1/3 stop periods,1/3 have heavy heavy periods..Well i guess i was the 1/3 with heavy, and boy do i mean heavy, i told him i can't do this again next month , He said well i suppose you will come see me to do the ablation then..I was just wondering if anyone has heard, or had it done? They insert hot saline in the uterus to burn the lining which normally stops period all together, they do it on an outpatient procedure, the pain is major cramping so they normally put you under or give you something to make you sleepy before doing it...Well good luck to everyone take care I am leaving to go back to work for first time after maternity leave wish me luck, i will miss my baby
I also had a tubal ligiation with my c-section. i just got my period for the first time. I didnt know i had it till i went to the bathroom either. It's longer than before but i have no cramps like before, but its about the same amount.Charity, Good luck with everything and work I have to go after labor day.
Charity, no I have never heard that and don't knowof anyone but you be strong and it should be a pleasure to know that no more periods, woo-hoo. But at the time of your outpatient procedure think of that and say this wil be worth it, this will be the last time this hurts. Take care and good luck at work. I am in the process of looking for a job and getting my 3 mth old off and to a bottle. :-(
I had an emergency c-section 5 months ago. After pushing & pushing my daughter just wouldn't come out. I'm overweight and had the staples in the incesion. I healed perfectly. No problems. However, I was left with a sharp left sided pain. Does anyone ever get those? I had a c-scan done(the doctor thought something might have been left in me) and nothing was found.
I had a c-section 3 months ago and I use to have sharp pains like every other day but the visiting nurse told me that it was just my wound healing in the inside the muscles are joining back together and so forth. I still sometimes have the sharp pain and I think they may have left something in me but I did hear them counting the tools once they were finished. I hope they can count :~)
curvy/ It actually takes a womens body 1 full year to get back to normal after a baby especially a c section. You will have some numbness around the incesion sight all the feeling will not return for up to a year, there will be tenderness/pain on some women for up to a year, Good look with everything i am 2 months postpartum and back at work and doing well with this on my last child in 2000 was a nightmare, Every delivery is different, but i would not plan to be fully back to normal inside and out until baby is 1 yr old.
For months after my 2 c-sections, I had clear liquid leaking from the opening...Eventually it just stopped...it makes sense that it takes a year to heal.
C Section and weight loss
| ana - September 13 |
blood in bowel movement after c section
ana, not actually sure what your saying. but yes i had blood in the first bowl movement and yes i lost all my weight but the last 10 pounds real quick.
I am almost 9 YEARS post C-sec (hard to believe my daughter is almost 9), and I now have an infection. I had a laparotomy (vertical incision) and then 2 yrs later a hysterectomy in the same vertical incision that meets the c-sec scar. it looks a bit like an anchor. anyway, i had an infection after the hyst, which was a year ago. now, where the scars meet, my c-sec scar has opened about 1/4 inch and it now infected. i am overweight, and have been exercising quite a bit lately. they think that the exercise compromised the weak spot. it opened, and became infected. so, take care of those scars, ladies!
i longer before you can return to work and drive after c-section?
I just had a c-section approx. two weeks ago (my son was 9lbs 9oz) and was stapled on the outside and sewn on the inside. I have a very neat 4 inch incision. I do not have any problems with it at all. I do not think your problem is that the doctor sewed you up, I think that the problem is the way that the doctor did it. I think you should see a different doctor.
| amy - September 23 |
wow i read these and it really freaks me out, i had my baby 2 weeks ago this mon and had a csection because the cord was around me babys neck, they st_tched me inside and out, so far im doing really good, they put tape on the incision to and the doc said i could start peeling it off if i wanted to but after reading all these i think i will wait, i just hope i continue to heal good because i have delt with an absess in my left b___st through my whole pregnancy so i really pray this goes well, i dont hink i can deal with anymore pain. it itches and i hope that is a good sign of healing.
I just had a c section 3 days ago My skin was too tough to hold the staples and they began falling out. The doctor opted to leave the wound open and let it heal naturally. When more staples started falling out he surgically glued all the areas that still had the staples and left open the area with none. He put me on two antibiotics to prevent infection. Seems to have worked pretty good. The whole incision is together and healing nicely.
I had a c-section about 10 days ago. I have a terrible burning and throbbing pain when ever I walk or stand for longer than 4-5 minutes. I was sewn on the inside and glued on the outside. My incision looks fine, but the burning pain is killing me. Does any one else hae this problem?