Hey Chem, I guess I had to get a log-in name, well as it turns out I went in on the 5th and they induced me on the 6th, I was in labor forom 6 in the morning until 3:28 in the afternoon, that is when they did an emergency c-section- I was not dilating and the contractions had my son in distress, his heartbeat lowered and I almost lost him, I guess the contractions must have stressed him out because the nurses drugged me up with pain killers because they had to wait for dilation, but my contractions were killing me, but they drugged me up so much that I could not see right from left, so they ended up giving me an epidural, and I knew something was wrong and I was giving att_tude, I beeged them to get me a doctor because I felt very weak, they would only give me ice-chips, but something was wrong because I could not think straight, then they finally gave me the epidural, and thats when the doctor finally walked in, he checked the computer and all I heard him say was, ' we have to open her up because their heartbeats are really low, too low to take a chance" chem they threw all my family members out of the room and they started to rush about, thats when my husband kept asking am I losing them, and then he fainted, so my mom ended up coming in with me, I did not have time to think, they brought me to this room, and started working on me, all I felt was tugging and all these nurses was moving about, my mom was scared so she stood up and the nurse screamed at my mom to sit down, which made me really nervous, I started to scream about having the right to know what was going on, and the nurse kept putting more drugs in my iv, I told her to stop, but I was so out of it that I was not feeling good at all...then I finally told my mom, then my nose started to bleed and my mom started screaming, I finally fell asleep, and that is all I remember...my mom when I woke up told me I went into cardiac arrest, that my body rejected the drugs and the nurses failed to listen, chem I did not even see my son until the very end of the day and then they made me wait and hour more, my husband went down to the nurses station to demand his son, the nurses were so mean....my stay for 4 days was even worse. I had to constantly call a nurse to empty my cathater, the garbage was overflowing and I had to call a nurse to call housekeeping to actually keep up with the sanitation, I had to call to have diapers filled because the nurses would not even come in to check up on me, I had to call in to remind them when it was time for my son to be fed, I was in so much pain, that they had to give me pain pills, and everytime I called for the pain medicine they would take at least 30 minutes. This was the worse experience of my whole life, all the nurses were nasty to me and my husband, one nurse would grab my son without even holding his neck...all my husband said was to be gentle and the nurse told him to make himself useful and pick up the trash...we were mortified!!My husband then told her that he was not aware that we paid money to do their jobs for them, my mother had to come and help me, because the nurses did not do anything!! Now I am home and I have been going through this depression. I have not called anyone, and when they do call I don't even want to talk, my stomache although I lost all the pregnancy weight looks like a war zone, they did a bikini cut but they cut through muscle and nerves and i am in pain and my doctor refuses to issue me anymore pain killers, like he gave me so much. All he issued me was a weeks worth...I cannot even tend to my son, I don't even want to hold him because I am tired and out of it. Now I know what these women go through...my son is beautiful, but I am in pain. the doctor told me that it would be 6 weeks before the hormones leave my system, and he said it would take 6 months for me to recover. I am ready to get painkillers off the streets because I swear, my doc is inhuman for not even issuing me at least a few weeks worth, maybe I have a lower tolerance for pain. my c-section looks good, but my inside pain is unbearable, they told me my acne would go away, but I can still connect the dots. i sound like a crazy woman already. i am going to get on the internet to see if I can get a hold of some pain killers, they had me on oxycod, and that numbed me wonderfully, I could be a mother to my son without feeling like an moron mother. I feel like a terrible mother. Do you think I am crazy? Maybe it is the hormones....