General Anesthesia With C Section
1 Replies
I did ask this on a different post, but I really want to know if anyone has ever been in this situation. I am having my first child by elective c section. I suffer from panic attacks and asthma. I am NOT afraid of pain. However I KNOW I will suffer from panic attacks as I get near the time of the c section. I want to ask for general anesthesia as this will keep me from panicking. When I have anxiety attacts my blood pressure drops so far down I turn white and freezing cold, I start sweating, and usually pass out. I do not know why I get these, but it is just a thing that happens. I had to stop my medication when I became pregnant, so it is getting very hard. I cant even think of delivery with out that fear creeping up the back of my neck. Everyone thinks its because OF THE PAIN, BUT AGAIN IT IS NOT. I suffer from severe back and neck pain, and have had minor surgery before, and as long as I don't know what is going on, I am fine. The pain afterwards is not my concern. Anyone ever feel like this.
Hi. Has your doctor discussed with you the side effects of anesthesia? One of the meds we use all the time for c-sections is well-known for increasing the risk of low BP and anxiety. I am not sure a c-section would be the best thing for you. I am surprised your doctor hasn't told you this. Best wishes, anyhow.