hi all i just wanted to share my experience with you all.on friday 29/12/06 i had to have an elective c-section because my baby was breech.went in the night before and was told that i would be taken to theatre at 8am but only went in at 2.30p.m. it was quite nerve wrecking just waiting around but apparently there were many emergencies on that day. so i go in, they put up the spinal and all through the anaesthatist is chatting away to keep my mind off things. about 10 minutes later the baby is out and i hardly catch a glimpse on him and then he is taken out to the doctor to check him over and my husband goes with. Because I hardly saw him I didn't know what the gender was.So after 5 minutes the midwife comes in to say that I have had a baby boy and all is ok. After I have been st_tched up and cleaned, I go to the recovery room and get to meet my beautiful baby boy weighing in at 6lbs. for those of you going to have an elective, please feel free to ask me any questions. 10 days later I have to say that it is not as bad as expected. however, I must stress that it is very important that you get as much rest as possible and keep up with the pain killers.also the hardest part i found was being on the bed for 12 hours after with the catheter still in and trying to br___t feed as well as feeling very uncomfortable.but looking at my little bundle it all seems very insignificant.hope all goes well for those of you still waiting for your c-sections.
congrats on your baby son! the truth is,when all is finished,you tend to forget the trouble.Here I am though,four years after,trying to make the big decision again...