the obvious pain is not what im talking about , but has anybody had severe shooting pains kinda like in the shoulder ,under rib when you breath in AFTER a c section? i have had two already and had this pain they bioth times said it was gas, THEN i had my tubes reversed and AGAIN i had the same pain, NOW im PG with #3 and am very scared to deal with this pain again, i read on the internet that this pain is caoused from blood building under the diafram????? just wondering if any body else had this too , thanks gals
It is a common pain found after surgery - my husband had it after appendectomy....they use gas to b__w up stomache in order to make more room for procedure...gas floats up causing the pain...can take pain meds, walk, use mylicon (for adults) to ease pain.
thats what the nurses said it was gas pain, but i never seen on c section videos them puiting gas in there, i know they take out your uterus and then put in back in , i dunno i really cant stand that feeling and am dreading it
I have been suffering with this same wind like pain now for 4 weeks after the c sec. I ended up back in hospital 4 days after with what they told me was a womb infection. Then the antibiotics gave my baby and me thrush. i went home still in pain although less only to end up back in A and E 2 DAYS AFTER WITH TERRIBLE TERRIBLE PAIN UNDER MY RIGHT RIB. So painful I was screaming in agony it was more painful than a bog contraction. Only to be told this was just wind and to go home and take ibuprofen. 2 weeks on and I am getting all the same pains still although less intense I am still very very uncomfortable and now I am also getting ga__sy burps and a taste in my mouth that can only be likened to sick and a furry coating on the back of my tongue. if any one else has had any of these symptoms or just some of them and know what on earth its all about i would love to know because the hospital and the doctors just think i am nuts complaining about what they see as just a little wind pain. its not little its very painful shooting and stabbing pains almost like someone is stabbing your body with something. Just breathing out cause’s pain every time.
I had very bad gas pain after my c/s. In fact it was worse than the c/s pain. (that was cake compared to the gas) But mine only lasted a day or so, I made myself move around alot, and that did help. Once it started to come out(sorry, not to be gross) it really got better. But I do know it can take awhile because it has to move around and make its way out.
I wonder if that has anything to do with the pain then. As I had a hard time with the spinal I had 2 Epidurals as the first one did not work and fell out and the second one he tried 5 times to insert it and went in and out it was very painful and after the c-section the mosst pain was from the spine area and i was doubled over for days . I am going back to the GP next week and when i went this week i was given something for the wind which has helped but not stoped the rib and breathing problems.