I have had two c-sections already. I am now pregnant and I will have another c- section soon. My doctor will make an incision on top of the newest one. Will this be extra painful for me???
It should be about the same, they will remove the old scar and put your skin edges back together. Sometimes the incision site itself is a bit less painful because the nerves have already been cut in the skin at the scar site. Good luck
i didnt notice any difference....
Maisy~~ I am due for a second c-section... what you are saying is that they will remove the first scar, so I end up with just one?
Yes, they excise the old thin strip of scar and put the "new" edges together instead. Scar tissue is not easily cut nor is it easily sewn together. So no matter how many sections you have you will only have one scar (unless one goes vertically and one horizontally, which is not TOO common)
Maisy~ I always had just thought they cut in a different spot an made 2 scars!!! I am actually very glad to hear that there will only be one. My first scar is a bit larger than a thin line though, would that make a difference?
No, Michelle, unless your scar is unusually wide (like you had specific complications with it post-op) they should remove the old one at the beginning of surgery. Glad that this info was helpful! :>)
Thank you so much for the help Maisy! How many c-sections have you had? This will hopefully be my last as I got an infection on the first one. I am a little nervous about being awake for this one though. the last one was emergency, and they put me right out. And advice on the thoughts and help with the being awake while having it done? You can write me at midnight_shetan@hotmail.com if you'd like.
One c-section, but I work in Labor and Delivery as an RN. I am so glad to be of help to you. Being awake can be a bit overwhelming at first, I have had ladies screaming at the top of their lungs that they didn't want to be awake for a surgery. With good, calm help around though, we can usually get them to calm down and anticipate the baby coming out. Sometimes it is not a completely pleasant experience and complications occur. In those cases the anesthesiologist may put a little medicine into the IV and you will go to a light sleep. At all times, however, the anesthesiologist, the nurses and the doctors will be communicating with you and asking how you are. The anesth. will be monitoring you VERY closely for even the slightest changes in your oxygen levels, pain levels, heartrate, breathing and consciousness. You will be fine and I hope you have a wonderful birth experience. Have you been ruled out for a VBAC?
Maisy, Is it true that they strap you down, i mean your arms and stuff? I read something about that in a book and was wonderinf ever since
Not exactly in my hospital anyway. We put a draw sheet under the patient and we wrap it up and over her arm that doesn't have an IV in it, we need one available for situations as they may arise. Patients are very nervous and excited during their c-sections and we just need to maintain a sterile field over the abdomen. Depending on the patient, the other arm is either loosely restrained or allowed to remain free so the new mom can touch her baby and "hold" it after it's birth. Michelle, please talk to your doctor about these questions too, I am VERY glad to help you, but you have a wonderful, curious mind and it sounds like you want to be a great participant in your next delivery so let your doctor know you want to ask a lot of questions. I think you will do fantastically well! I would e-mail you at home, but my computer is overseas with my hubby at the moment and i must surf the net on my breaks at work.:>)
| djh - November 9 |
Hey Savannah, how are you? Do you have to have another C? If so, don't worry, the pain may be about the same, sometimes not as bad as after a long labor. Good luck.
Maisy~ Thanks for all your help. The thing here is that my appointment isn't until the 28th of this month and i would probably get nervous and forget to ask when I got in to see the doc. I will have to remember tow write them down. Must be hard to have a hubby so far away! I feel for you! Hugs!! Thanks again so much!
You are doing great, Michelle! Great idea to write down questions as they pop up. Keep them to about 4-5 since they never give us enough time LOL. That goes for Savannah too (the original poster) I'll check back in a day or two to see how you are, Michelle.
Maisy, just thought I would let you know that my doc has me scheduled for the c-section on Jan 16. I will be tied down, but after the baby is out, they will untie my arms to let me touch the baby. I will also be getting a spinal. Savannah, what happened with your doc appts???
Maisy-I have had 3 c-sections, and they have never removed the old scar from any of them. They cut as close to possible on the same spot, but I have 3 separate lines that I can see. I am due for my 4th and final c-section in March-with this one my doctor said he will remove the old scar tissue and make it just one scar. Maybe that is just the policy of the doctor/hospital where you work at? I was also never tied down, or had my arms sheeted down. They have always been out to the sides, on a resting bar. There is a huge sheet that is draped up in front of me though.
My doctor told me that they will be cutting through the first one, so I guess my scar will be bigger, I never actaully asked if they will remove the other one. She did how ever say that I will only have one scar.