Tubes Tied -pg115195387518
29 Replies
Hey Keli- if you're still around and read this... I just thought about something a little funny about getting a tubal. On the consent form there's this long paragraph about how you need to understand this procedure is only for those that never want any more children, you MUST understand the permanance of it, etc... it goes on and on. Then the next paragraph said you MUST understand that people have been known to get pregnant after a tubal and you MUST understand that 1 in XXX (I forget the exact number) will get pregnant. Just thought I'd share- I found that amusing!!
For those of you talking about vasectomies and worried about time off from work --- my husband had one in March are we were both shocked at how simple it was. He was in the doc's office for maybe 120 minutes. And then we were prepared for him to be spending the whole weekend on the couch with ice packs, but he felt totally fine. The doc gave him pain pills, but he only took one. He took that one right away because he was scared of when the local anethesia would wear off. Then he forgot to take the 2nd pain pill hours later, and it turned out that he didn't even need it. Like I said, we were both totally shocked at how easy his vasectomy was.
Nerdy Girl, I had to elect the tubal. My husband refuses to even think about letting anyone near that his "stuff" with a knife. LOL! I think some men are scared it will somehow affect their manliness. He's one of them.
Yeah, I was lucky that my dh was open to the idea. I honestly think that he would be open to ANY idea that might result in him getting more s_x. LOL!
well i am currently pregnant and i too had a tubal ligation i got them reversed in february and it worked i would say just to really think about it and make sure that is what you want i had one done because i was 23 and had 4 children.what a mistake i left my partner and got remarried so please think about this. good luck to you
I had my tubes tied when I had my second baby. I wish I hadn't. I don't know if any of this is related to the tubal, but my periods are heavier and they last for 10 days, usually. Then a week later I bleed for another 5 days. My period is totally irregular. I've also started getting really bloated, and sometimes it doesn't go away when I do have a period. I also have times when I get so hot that I have to lie down in front of a fan, when the room temp hasn't changed, and sometimes I wake up with my sheets soaked in sweat. I'm way too young for menopause-I'm 27-but sometimes I think that's what's happening to me. I really wish I'd made my hubby get snipped instead.
oh yeah and i had 4 sections already this is going to be my 5th.if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Your period stay about the same. My epriod is lighter than before my turbes were tied during my 3rd c-section birth in 2002.
| RMC - September 23 |
The only thing I've been told by my Dr. is not to do it if you aren't 100% sure that you don't want anymore kids.
I've had my tubes tied the day I had my c section. The doctor said it's much easier to do it at that time. The only thing is that they say you would go thur menopause faster then a person that hasn't tied her tubes yet.
Hi I was going to get my tubes tied after baby #2 and than again with #3 , thankful I decided against it. I am pregnant with baby #4 and im definatly getting my tubes tied because this is csection #4 and I might have to have a hysterectomy.
had mine big deal better to get it all done at once...i dont have any cons
I'm scheduled on November 17th for my 3rd c-section and have already signed the papers for a tubal. I have 2 girls and this is a boy so that kind of helped. I think if I had found out I was having another girl I probably would've waited but I'm thankful it's a boy and I can do it now. I'm 35 years old and dead tired!!!! Don't think 4 kids would be a good idea. dunno. Husband is only 28 and says, oh we can try for 1 more....whatever!!! I don't see him waddling around.
Other thanperiod differences do they say it has a=ny medical pros/cons. Like more or less of a chance of ovarian cancers etc?