You Know Someone Had A C Section When
46 Replies
| djh - October 25 |
This is a fun thread (got the idea from Infant care).
You know someone had a c-section when... they are the ones walking bent over in the hospital because they are afraid their incisions will open.(the cesarean shuffle)...or they are all nice and slim again but you can see the tell-tale line in their bathing suit bottoms...
OK... this one wasn't funny at the time, but... when you are dying of hunger because you weren't allowed to eat for like 12 hours before the surgery and it's now a day and a half AFTER the surgery and the v____al deliveries have not only had several meals, but have left the hospital entirely and you are still just waiting to fart so you can be fed... that's the longest run-on sentence I have ever written LOL.
....when you see the father carrying everything - the baby, the infant seat, groceries, etc. : )
you see her go into the restroom to poop after her first c-section and she says "at least this shouldn't hurt too bad....." and you just sit back and wince for her!
| vjr - October 25 |
they are the ones who are blissfully happy with a new born that seems to sleep through the night (due to the morphine drip)
Ha-ha, I like these! You know someone had a c-section when she takes all the giant sanitary pads home from the use them to pad her incision in her pants!
this is funny!! I just had a csection 9 days ago and find myself to be recovering amazingly. I ate 1/2 hour after the surgery, was out of bed within 12 hours, NEVER had ANY pain meds, went home 2 days early, and was grocery shopping with a newborn and 21 month old 2 days later.
HannahBaby, I think you are in the minority here.
Yup, I agree with nerdy girl!!! I had to spend an hour in recovery where they monitor you so food was definitely out (not that I wanted to eat - I was very happy holding my baby). I guess it's different in each hospital. Anyways, you know someone had a c-section.... when you don't see them caughing or sneezing in fear of opening up their incision :)
you know someone had a c-section when they have to be helped out of bed and helped to walk to the bathroom
| djh - October 27 |
the words "gas pains" have a whole lot in common with the words "labor pains"!!!!!
when laughing makes you cry!
you know uve had a c section when [in the uk ]only the c section mummys get the comfy beds that move up and down with a remote fantastic wanted to take it home.the natural born mummys get the horrible hard beds.
...... when driving over a pot hole turns into a NIGHTMARE :)
I can't believe how lucky I was with my c section - my experience is very much like Hannahbaby's I do do the hip wiggle though when my scar is itching like mad, but I'm in the middle of the supermarket!
You know someone had a c-section when they have to hold a pillow on there stomach to cough or sneeze.