Hi anyone had problems with constipation during your pregnancy. What foods do you recomend I eat to help. The last thing I want is to be constipated during labour.
| NG - May 12 |
After the birth of my first son I had ongoing problems with my digestive system. It has taken me a few years to fix it. I eat lots of whole grain foods. Like bran , brown rice, and wholemeal bread. I also eat loats of kiwifriut and green veges. And only drink water. I have been regular during this pregnancy and find that I am not so tired as I used to be when I had problems.
| JM - May 13 |
I found that drinking apple juice helped me. Good Luck.
I talked with my doctor. He recommended switching solely to whole grain breads and cereals. And adding raisens or prunes to any salad or dish I made. He also said try to drink plenty of water and green veggies. He also recommended taking a fiber supplement. If your not sure, consult a nurse's line in your area or talk to your doctor. Good Luck
Eat fruit (dried prunes are really efficient!), veggies and drink lots of water. It WORKS. :) Good luck
this is my first pregnancy, started 3rd month, i was constipated badly, but my doc said drink prune juice, and it works wonders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it softens ur stools and relieves constipation, i drink it every evening, it works for me.u can do some search online, theres lot info abt prune juice and constipation, good luck
I would eat foods high in fiber and drink plenty of water. Prunes, plums, apple juice. water water water