| ? - April 27 |
Hey, just wondering if anyone is drinking coffee? If so, how far along are you, and how much are you drinking daily?
Yes, I'm 8 weeks and have 1 cup in the morning. My dr said it was ok to consume caffeine in moderation, 1 or 2 cups a day.
24 weeks and I have been having 1 cup per day sinse about 12 weeks. Caffeine in moderation is OK (so I am told), and I do not drink pop or eat chocolate, so I feel pretty safe.
Hi, I am 38 weeks pregnant and have enjoyed a cup of coffee every morning since I fell pregnant.
Yes, Drinking 1 cup every other day but as the weather is getting warmer I am craving iced tea. Using decaf, although not the same. Anyone using Splenda? My doctor says it's ok in moderation.
Drinking a cup of coffee in the a.m. is fine. Or drinking a cup whenever you normally consume one is fine. Try not to make it too dark though, just normal coffee. It's fine. Just don't drink it all day. See if you can just limit it to the one time of day you like it the best.