How Many Calories Should I Be Eating
2 Replies
With my son I was so hungry all the time I know I was getting enough food but this time around I have constant nausea and the sound of food sometimes makes me sick. I have been eating a lot of light snacks and gingerale but I know I should be eating more. Does anyone know how many calories a pregnant woman should eat? I am 8 weeks. Thanks
You should be getting only about 300 extra calories per day - ALOT less than most people think. My doctor told me to ignore the "eating for two" because that is how most women gain so much extra weight during pregnancy. I am 9 weeks along and have been trying to watch what I eat as well. Good luck and keep me informed of your progress....
In total: 2200-2500. You can google to find some healthy snacks that won't make you sick.
Good luck and Congratulations!