I HAVE A QUESTION... i am probaby around 3 weeks TO a mtnh( stil have to find out) but before i do find out i have some quetions.. . i know that it is stil very early but do you tink that me crying alot and being stressed( not always but somtimes) wil have an efect on da baby... also with m y eating... what is a good diet i should be on when im pregnant.. starting now( even tho im only about 3 wks to a mnth) PLEASE HELP ME
Great idea to start thinking obout your eating, I recomend that you purchace a pregnacy book that has diet infomaton in it. I am reading ( what to expect when you are expecting/ and what to eat) a combined book, I have been following the eating plan since before getting pregnant. I am 14 weeks and have only put a small bit of fat on round my back, I have not had any morning sickness at all( I think the diet has helped)
oh yeah well that is good because i was going tos tart talkng about morning sickness.... i feel like i am always going to barff but it never comes up allthe way... should i jus stick my finger in my thorwt to make it all come out or i should just let it hapnes when it is supose to.....
what do you think is a good diet to go on when you frist find out you are prego??? ANY ONE???
You can find out plenty of good info. from the internet. You need plenty of good stuff. Cut out processed/refined carbs, but keep the good ones. Your body needs them. Also, get plenty of lean protein, milk, fruits and green veggies! Just watch your junk intake, because remember that everything you eat is going to your growing, developing baby. Give him/her only the best! Best of luck to ya. -BREE
Also ......PLEASE try to avoid or minimize your stress. I know it's hard. I'm going thru a lot (as my fiance is a total b___t lately), but I try to keep in mind that the cortisol I produce while stressing goes directly to the baby and I don't want to harm him/her in any way. I try to go off to myself and calm down. Do some deep, slow breathing to relax myself when I'm upset. Please take care of yourself.