Food Aversions Anyone

83 Replies
Mary the redhead - January 15

At first it was all the normal things i usually eat, like tofu, beans, soymilk, chinese food.. i couldnt stand the smell or even thought of it all...I can have soymilk again although only silk brand because it has the least taste.... and ive had chinese a few times.... I still cannot stnad the smell or thought of pizza..anything with tomato sauce.. the smell of alcohol on my man when he gets home from playing one of his shows...EWWWW !!! I cant wait to be done so i can eat a pizza.... Same thing happened 5 years ago... after i had my son.... The woman i shared a room with couldnt have pizza either.. we soon discoverd once babies were out we could eat again so we ordered pizzas right to our hospital room!!!


Maria - January 16

It's a relief to hear I'm not the only crazy pregnant lady out there! I used to love broccoli, and now even thte thought of it makes me sick... nevermind the smell! Oddly, red sauce always sounds good to me- pizza's fine, so is pasta. Basically my diet rotates around that, plus fruit, pudding, french fries, mashed potatoes. Not exactly the picture of health, but hey- at least it stays down!


Laura - January 16

My morning (haha!) sickness started a few days ago and everytime I eat something, I decide I can't stand it - with the exception of toasted whole wheat english muffins with vegan "b___ter" and a little grape jelly and decaf tea with sugar or honey and a little milk. This is going to kill me. I was a complete foody and healthfood enthusiast a week ago and now the thought of eating is awful.


Autumn2006 - January 17

My aversions are chocolate bars and mexican food..... and that was my favorite.


lynn1983 - January 17

I have started to hate meat. Which really sucks because my doctor told me to cut down/out my carbs & sugars because I get sugar lows. I am getting tired of eating peanut b___ter.


Angelaw. - January 21

Things that I am LOVING now that I am pregnant: BACON- I swear (this is very gross) but there are times that I think I could eat a whole pig! I used to hate the taste and smell of coffee, but now I have to stop in the coffee aisle and just smell it, because if I drink it, I walk around like I just had some heroine or something. (Not that I would know, but that's what it looks like in the movies), I have really liked white rice with soy sauce on it, and lots of sour things like sweet pickles, lemonade, gummi bears etc. Things I HATE- leftover ketchup, if dh leaves a plate in the sink with ketchup on it, I have to leave the room, but for some reason, it's okay on my cheeseburger. And since it is all I can think about, I burned a bag of popcorn in the microwave today- I think I'm going to have to move. That is a smell that permeates the house, I swear, my freshly washed pj's smell like they were in the microwave with the popcorn! I don't know what I'm going to do! LOL


Angelaw. - January 21

To all the ladies who are craving yet hating pizza, I always order my pizza without sauce because I have always detested pizza sauce. If you are really craving a pizza, try that trick and see if it helps.


Joanne R-B - January 31

Glad to know I'm not the only crazy one!!! I'm at 12 weeks - will the food aversions go away soon? I have low blood sugar, so I need chicken and fish, but I can't stand the sight of them. This leads to having to sometimes eat in the middle of the night, and I'm consuming at least 2-3 eggs a day. Aaaaagghhhh!!!


fefer1 - January 31

I hate just about everything now. Even the crackers I eat in the middle of the night so I don't get sick leave a nasty sugary taste in my mouth. Everthing tastes like sugar! I can't stand the thougth of eating meats or red sauces or whole wheat bread anymore. I just open a bag of bread and I run for the bathroom. I live on cereal and yogurt when I can get it down. Coffee is disgusting now too. When does this end!!! I am 8 weeks 4 days


karen - February 5

i don't like much at all, even talking about it is making me ill. I especially can't eat meat and veg. I can eat cereal, fruit, olives, crackers with cheese and tomato. I am worried that i am not getting enough nutrients but i just can't force myself to eat them


dolores - February 6

i hate all food but i am gaining weight. there's nothing i like, i can't stand the smell or sight of food. what's going on?


Anne - February 7

I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have had all-day sickness for over 6 weeks now. My sense of smell is incredible and I hate the smell of everything around me. I can hardly eat or drink. People keep saying take lots of fluid but I just can't. It makes me more nauseous. I am one of the unlucky ones with excess saliva and that has made my condition even worse. I feel awful but I try to joke about it being the year of the dog and I'm now turning into a dog ... bionic sense of smell + salivation). Yuck!


Lauren - February 8

I'm 13 weeks..I used to love Mexican food, seeing as how I'm half mexican. I can't stand the smell or sight of it now. I have aversions to different things on different days but the one thing that I haven't been able to stomach from week one was rice. Any kind of rice grosses me out!


Tina - February 23

Mine is everything...the onyl drink i can have is water and food is toast,and even then im having to force myself.Im beginning to feel really down about it because im very hungry and i do still love the taste of everything,but my body wont let me eat or drink anything.Its been like this for weeks 9 weeks pregnant and its making me feel sick and weak


Tina - February 23

Mine is everything...the onyl drink i can have is water and food is toast,and even then im having to force myself.Im beginning to feel really down about it because im very hungry and i do still love the taste of everything,but my body wont let me eat or drink anything.Its been like this for weeks 9 weeks pregnant and its making me feel sick and weak


Tina - February 23

sorry double posted



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