39 Replies
sheena - July 12

I weigh 250 and i am ready to have a baby! I know its not healthy but i want to have the baby and then lose the weight i know i can do it.Do you think it would be better to have a baby then lose weight or lose weight then have a baby?I really need help with this.Is there anyone else in this position?


ms - July 12

Well, I've been overweight for both of my pregnancies (200 lbs. pre-pregnancy) and haven't had any dangerous issues but I have to tell you it's not comfortable at all! I guess you would also have to consider how active you are and your diet. I exercise faithfully and eat a balanced diet and avoid sugar. I'm going to be seeing a dr after this baby comes to determine why I haven't been able to lose the 60 pounds I need to get off. If you are inactive and not eating right, I could see where that might be more of an issue carrying another life inside you. But it isn't a decision anyone else can make for you. Any dr will probably tell you that you should lose the weight first. If you don't have any issues like me and could do it with someone else's help, it would probably come off pretty quickly, and then you could start trying in a few months after you lost at least some of it. Hope it all works out for you!! : )


sheena - July 12



Angie - July 14

I am overweight, and have been for like the last 3-5 years. According to the doctores chart, I am obese. I was 222 before I got pg. I am not 20 weeks and I am at 230. The dr just wants me to only gain 18-20 lbs. You can do it, you are just at a higher risk. I plan on losing weight after the baby, but I have tried before without success. I have known people who were VERY overweight to have perfectly healthy babies. It is really up to you and what you think your body can handle


lynnstress - July 20

I started this pregnancy overweight - approx. 235. I'm 19 weeks now. I've been overweight for probably the past 7 or 8 years. I hope to lose the weight after baby is born (Dec.). I would liekt o have more children after, and I think I would have an easier time conceiving (this one took 3 years of trying) and with pregnancy if I am slimmer to begin with. I've seen posts here from women much more overweight than us who are pregnant, so good luck whatever you decide, sheena!


Cora - July 21

Last year I lost 100 lbs...went from 315 lbs to 215 lbs, because I was having a hard time conceiving. As soon as I lost the weight within 3 months I was pregnant. But now of course because I was prone to unhealthy eating, and not excercising regularly, I am almost 27 weeks and have gained about 30 lbs back. I am trying to even it out...and not gain much from here on in. Keeping my fingers crossed ! lol


Fatty two - July 21

I am 5'7" and 240 pounds when I got pregnant. I am now 30 weeks pregnant and I have only gained about 12-15 pounds. (I go to the doctor tomorrow and find out exactly) I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 24 weeks and with proper diet and walking everyday for 20 min. I have been able to keep it in control. I have carpal tunnel in both arms from being pregnant and have to use wrist splints at night just to sleep. I have a umbilical hernia from a previous surgery and I have Raynaud's Syndrome. This is when your hands and feet get numb when they get cold, it can also happen in your nipples as well. (Doctors mistake it for a yeast infection.) Anyway to make a long story short, it hasn't been very comfortable being pregnant and overweight. I would advise you to loose at least 25 pounds (depending on your height) (more if your short) before becoming pregant, take prenatal vitamins and cut out sugar and carbs. Trust me, you with thank me! I wish I had done that before becoming pregnant. Next time I will know better. Good Luck!


js - July 24

I am 5'6" and have been trying for over 10 years to get pregnant. I weighed 235. I lost 30 lbs and got pregnant. ( I am about 4 weeks now) My friend is over 300 lbs and just had a healthy baby boy. I say if you think you can handle it, go for it!!! Good luck to you!!


Liz - August 2

sheena i am having the same problem. i am 5'6" and 220. i have been trying to get pregnant for 2 months now(af due 8/11, and im hoping for a +). I think im going to go on a major diet after the baby cuz 9 months is long enough to wait, lol.


vw - August 4

I am 29 weeks pregnant with my third baby and started out at about 227 lbs. I wanted to lose weight before I got pregnant again but it didn't happen due to being very busy with my other kids and not taking time for me. I have now gained about 25 lbs and still have 10 weeks to go. I had hoped to only gain 15 -20 lbs but my body packs on weight (I do have a thyriod problem too). It is very uncomfortable and I do not have the energy my kids deserve. On the other hand, I didn't want to wait to lose weight because the age span btw kids would be more than we wanted and I am 36 years old and wanted to have baby season done! So, it is ultimately your decision. I do plan to shed this weight after baby cause its my last and time to get serious! By the way, my babies have all been large but healthy.


To SHeena - August 5

I honestly think its best to try and lose the weight before you get preggo. I went to my doctor and even though i was only 8-10 kg above the ideal weight for my height etc she strongly suggested i try to lose weight before i start ttc. What better incentive can you have to lose weight. I have 2.5kg to go before im at my goal weight then i will start ttc. Its better for your body and the baby if you are within a healthy weight range before your pregnancy. Goodluckxx


Bree - August 5

My advice would be to attempt to change your lifestyle and improve your diet by making healthy choices. You will begin to lose weight if you eliminate the processed carbs and begin walking every day. The healthier you are when you do get pregnant, the easier pregnancy and labor you will have. I was bigger w/my 2nd pregnancy and it was harder on my body and labor was harder. That's just my opinion. I'm slightly overweight and now 19 wks pregnant. I've gained 7 lbs so far and don't want to pack on the weight because it is harder on your body. Best of luck to you.


B - August 24



jenni - August 27

i was 195 pds, and had been trying for over 3 yrs to get pregnant, so i lost 10 pds, in anticipation for starting ivf in 2 months, and i am now 7weeks pregnant. Not sure if it was the small weight loss or what, but thats something to consider


bobbisown - February 1

Im in the same boat. I am 38 and overweight- Im 5'2 and 195lbs. We want to get pregnant and I know I should loose weight before- but I really feel the clock is ticking and its making me anxious! Its not easy for me to loose weight- it really takes a lot to get it to come off- and I figure if I need to lose at least 50 lbs I will be over 40 before my body is at a good weight to get pregnant. I'm thinking of just going for it and trying anyways- but I worry about the health of the baby and myself. what do you think?


jaydentd - March 18

hey girls, I'm also overweight and trying to conceive. I'm 5'3 and weight 188, I been trying to have a baby for 2 years now. I just lost 12 pounds in the last 2 months and began to workout everyday. I hope this will help. I will keep you girls posted.


rrrrebecca22 - April 1

i'm 5'3" and 215lbs... i just came off birth control and recently read that it could take 3-6 months before my cycle returns to normal and i begin to ovulate on my own. i'm also thinking my weight might have something to do with it. i recently quit smoking, but i'm also going to try to start eating a bit better since my schedual doesn't really allow me time to work out much (i work about 60 hours a week). wish me luck and good luck to you girls!



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