
5 Replies
kyes - December 12

ive been told by a friend that peanuts cause your kid to have penut allegerys. And to keep away from anything with peanuts in it - does anyone no if this is tru, or have any other infor mation on it? almost everything contains nuts!


redhead125 - December 13

That doesn't sound accurate to me. Obviously, once your child is born and actually gets old enough to eat "real" food, it is an issue. But you can safely eat peanuts and tree nuts safely. In fact, peanut b___ter is a great way to get protein (just don't overdo it because it is also high in fat). Make sure you eat a natural peanut b___ter that doesn't have transfats in it (will be shown in the ingredients as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils).


DownbutnotOUT - December 14

I ate so many peanut things :peanut b___ter, mr. bigs, oh henry's, just plain peanuts with all 3 of my babies and none of them have allergies to ANYTHING im aware of.


squished - December 17

The only thing that I've heard is that when you are b___st feeding that it may be a good idea to skip the peanuts for a while b/c it may make the baby sensitive to them, but I don't really think that's true. Our moms ate whatever they wanted and the outburst in peanut allergies is among the younger kids, not us. Maybe skipping the peanuts CAUSES the allergy b/c they aren't exposed to it. hmmmm


slackette - December 18

What I have read about peanut allergies is that you should definitely avoid them during pregnancy if you have a family history of peanut allergy. If you and your family are not allergic, then enjoy!


Sandy T - January 27

I agree with Slackette - If you have a family history of peanut allergies, avoid them. If you prefer, other nuts are fine and are a better source of healthy fats. eg. Walnuts contain omega 6 which is beneficial to mum and baby.



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