28 Weeks In Labor I Need Answers Quick
2 Replies
Okay i need an answer like now!!! My belly feels like its tightning... My back is unbelievably painful! I feel like im gonna get sick! when i went to go pee, it was clear.. with a little color!! I feel very dizzy!!! someone please i need help right now!! Oh and it hurts down there once in awhile!!
Call your doc or go to the hospital if you're concerned. I'm 28 wks as well and have constant back pains but it sounds like you're getting yourself paniced so get it checked out
hey you need to relax because fear makes pain worse. it sounds like you are having practise contractions its normal for ur term. However if your contractions are coming every 5 minutes and lasting more then 30 seconds or your waters break then you should call your midwife or care provider it could be hurting down there if the baby is pushing on ur bladder. please dont freak out. it happened to me and i went to hospital and it stopped after an hour or 2 its just practise labour and u will get loads of it