I'm 20 weeks and I'm pretty sure I have a candidal infection (I have a history of them). I don't have my next appointment until Nov. 16th and I was wondering if there's anything that I can take for this in the meantime. I've already called 5 or 6 pharmacies, but some tell me to see my doctor and some said to use the over-the-counter creams.
| JB - November 6 |
You can go ahead and see your dr. My dr. recommended using Monistat 7 (it had to be the 7 day cream). I'm only 8 weeks, but I also have 3 other children. You doctor might take a different approach, but that's just what mine told me. I sure hope that helps you.
My doctor wouldn't prescribe over the counter-I got a prescription-maybe if you called them and told them the problem you could stop in earlier for a culture and prescription-thats a long way to wait when you are not feeling good.
Yeah that is a hard one, I would not wait until your next appointment. Better to get it early than let it develop. :)
I don't want to scare you, but my first yeast infection I waited because I had never had one and did not know what was wrong with me. After 30 days, I had Candida spores from my ankle to my belly b___ton. My vag. area was on such a fire all the time that I could not even walk without crying. Long story short- get it fixed now! The doc told me that my vag. area had the equivalent of third degree burns from the skin being so infected. It took months to get back to normal. Do not wait! Call the doc and say I need help now!