Anyone have AF-like cramping around the time their AF was due only to find out they were PG?
yes, i felt like i was going to start and four days after it was missed the test was positive...i had serious cramps though, that was weird considering it wasn't gonna come...i am now 36 weeks.
I did not resume the pill after my last period early in July. For the past few days my b___st have been very tender/sensitive, I had that brown discharge for 3 days and I'm having minor cramps in my lower abdomen. I'm not sure if I'm pregnant (too early to test) or if it's a reaction to being off the pill. My next period is due between 3 & 6 August. What do you think?
Yes, thought i was getting my period but turned out i was pregnant. Had very painful cramps that went on for 3 days.
I did - my husband and I were driving up to Canada from the US and I had him pulling over constantly.... I kept thinking I had my period. That weekend we found out we were pregnant!
Well although the wait was frustrating...my period came on time! I'm very disappointed though but I'm not giving up.