Please Help Pains And Cramping Worried
2 Replies
Hi all, I’m new here and am quite worried – I’m 4 months and have recently (last 3 weeks) been experiencing sharp, cramp-like pains in different parts of my bump (sometimes side, right now middle). I’ve also bee getting strange tummy-rumble feelings is my lower belly too, but I think that’s supposed to be the baby moving about, isn’t it? There’s been no bleeding at all, but I am a smoker (occasional)… sounds silly to get so worked up, but I’m really scared of these pains. Thankyou for helping :-)
Hi....I guess you should definitely see your doctor to rule out any issues. However, just so you know, I had the same thing up until around 20 weeks and spent most of my time being terrified. I think in my case it was just things stretching, but it was pretty unnerving. Still, you might want to get it checked out anyway. Best of luck!
I had some really bad pains in that area the other day...felt like a HUGE gas bubble that was about to explode. I was afraid to move. LOL. wasn't gas, though, it was cramps. I think it was due to the fact that it was around the time my period would have shown.