Shortness Of Breath-pg115163963318
3 Replies
Anyone else get this shortness of breath sensation after drinking or eating. I'm not even eating as if I am pregnant. Even when I eat something I have been craving, I can only take a few bites and I feel as if I ate a cow and I have these shortness of breaths. I don't think I have other symptoms oh other than the occassional Braxton Hicks. Anyone know how to help with the shortness of breath. It feels as if I have a hard time taking deep breaths, almost like recovery after the c-section and your in the recovery for about an hour coming off the anesthesia. Anyway any advice would help...thanks!
the only cure for that is giving birth!!!
Yup. Krc is right. With my first, toward the end, I would take a few bites and then be gasping for air. It caused me to hyperventilate, so my doc ordered my to carry around a paper bag everywhere and breath into it when I began to feel lightheaded. The only thing you can do is eat small bits fequently. I know that can be hard to do with other bubs running around, but that is all that helped in my case.
how far along are you? Hopefully ull drop soon and can breath better. THat little baby is just takin up alll the room