Transverse Baby Amp In Pain
3 Replies
I was told at my 30 week visit or so that the baby was head down. I am now 37 weeks and I am almost positive the baby is transverse. I am going make sure with my doctor Tues.! Should I be in pain b/c my baby is this way? I am hurting so bad everytime he moves and cannot sit, stand, lay in any position that doesn't hurt or is uncomfortable for that matter! Just wondering if this is normal? I am really hurting and am very scared about a c-section!
I have a friend and she is 33 weeks pregnant..(We are due the same day) and her baby is transverse and she stays in a lot of pain...So I guess its pretty much normal
I'm 30 weeks & my baby also is transverse. I am in so much pain too!! This is my second child & my first turned very early so I never felt this kind of pain. Good luck to you mamakw10. I am nervous about a c- section too. I am waiting & hoping for my baby to turn!!! A friend told me Yoga can help
i am 34weeks and i know my baby is transverse. i also know how you feel, when she moves i feel it everywhere! i think my ribs hurt the most. i dont understand why though. my doc says that my baby still has time to turn down but i dont think she will. i am set to be induced aug.25, i wonder if i'll make it!