Does Anyone Feel Sore In Stomach Area
13 Replies
i was wondering if anyone else has sides and part of my stomach feel sore like i have been working out or something.has anyone had or heard of this happening?
| s - July 31 |
i feel the same way and i am 37 weeks pregnant. sometimes it feels like i ran a few miles, i get those cramps in the side...but mostly my whole stomach just feels's been that way probably since i was 30 weeks or so.
Im now 29 weeks and since about 26 weeks I kept getting a side ache in my right side. Its really weird, and if i push on it it hurts worse. I told my dr and she said I was fine that sometimes its from the baby moving and not to push on it because it will make it worse
What I feel is sensitivity and a little pain in my belly b___ton. I was hoping someone could relate to that. I am only nine weeks.
Unfortunately, I don't have an answer yet but am going to see my doctor today. I'm 20 weeks and for the past few days and my belly has been very sensitive to touch and I've also been experiencing period like pains. Fingers crossed its just my belly stretching and the baby moving!
Good luck to you all!
I am 17 weeks and I experience a soreness like pain in the bottom of my stomach. Especially when my bladder is full.
the soreness was a giveaway that i was pregnant. it was more than the usual menstrual cramps. Ive been having them in my side, my back, and my abdomen since. im eight weeks now. im guessing that its normal, but i sure am annoyed by it.
That was one of the first things i experenced- im about 6weeks n i still have it.
Hi Ellen, yes I have been having the belly b___ton sensation and a very sore abdomen area. I have a sensation of pressure, tugging, pulling from my belly b___ton to all over my abdomen area. It's perfectly normal. Your uterus is stretching out for baby.
Thank you anon. I am only 4 wks and I am experiencing the same thing. I went for a ultrasound the past week to r/o ectopic preg and everything looked fine but the doctor did not have any real answers about what may have been causing the problem. I had convinced myself that something was terribly wrong, but I feel a bit better knowing that this may be normal. I will certaininly follow up with my OB once selected.!!
Hi Katrise, yes it is very normal. I think the very first time I felt the "soreness" and sensitivity sensation was when I was four weeks and it became stronger as the days and weeks went by. At about 13 weeks it "calmed" down a bit, o, it's still there but better. I am now going on 15 weeks.
To Ellen, it's very normal.
I forget to mention, please don't worry. Uterus is making a nice home for baby.
I am only 3.5 weeks pregnant from IVF. I am glad to hear the feeling in common/normal I am feeling the sensation quite earlier but the Doctor says not to worry just my body getting the home ready for the baby or babies?