Has anyone had PUPPS before? My dr. said that the small rash on my stomach is PUPPS and it is driving me insane. He said that it could last the rest of my pregnancy which is still 8wks. The only thing he said to take was Benadryl. I can't take Benadryl all the time, I will be like a zombie. Does anyone have anything else that my relieve my discomfort? I'm desperate and can't sleep because of it. Thanks
Erica I feel for you. I got PUPPS 5 weeks ago and tried everything you can imagine until someone told me about this soap - grandpa's Pine Tar Soap. I know it sounds crazy, but you loose nothing by trying. You can find the soap at health stores. It has been a lifesaver for me and for the person who responded to my thead (who was very similar to yours). Use it a couple of times a day - it dries out the rash and stops it from developing further. Other tihngs that have worked for me as well - NO scratching whatsoever, Tea tree oil diluted in water and for those areas that are super itchy and drive you nuts- cold packs (ice packs) to numb the area. It works like a charm, instead of stractching press some cold packs in the area. Give it a week or so and you will see you will be doing so much better. Go get the soap, it will work for you. :)
If the soap works, let other suffering women know about it. As you now know this is a rerrible ailment and the solution is so simple.
maybe try a cream called special event