Pains And Discomfort At 38 Wks
3 Replies
hi i am 38 wks pregnant and feel like i have alot of lower pressure , twinges and it is like the baby is stuck between my hip bones... is this normal???????????
Yes this is called lightning (where the baby is dropping) Yes it is normal. There isn't anything wrong with ya! Don't worry I am a lil farter then you(will be 39wks this Sunday) and I am going through the same first I too thought something might be wrong and I talked to my doctor and he let me know that it was normal so don't worry!
I am just about 38 weeks and have the same thing. Its your baby getting all ready for the big day and moving down into your pelvis. Somtimes the twinges take my breath away and I actually have to stop what I am doing until it goes away. Annoying as it is I guess its a good sign that things are moving along as they should! GL
hi firsttime mommy ans musicbaby, thank you for answering, i have been very busy, got a very bad pain while at doc. visit and scan showed baby back in breach, they tried to turn but to no avai and booked me in for c section this friday that will have me over a week early but really nervous and terrified of recovery time...........i hope all is well with ye