I still don't know whether i'm pregnant or not, i'm waiting until wed. to take pregnancy test #2.
I have no real symptoms, just alot of light-headedness, a little aversion to smells, and EVERY TIME i eat or drink anything, including water, i can feel gas and "stuff" rolling through my intestines and bubbling my tummy. I can't even sleep if i drink a glass of water because i keep feeling it gurgling around. Also right behind my ribs at the very bottom and near my "sternum???" aches noticably. ( What does hear burn feel like?) No cramps, no stomach tenderness, my boyfriend is an EMT and he palpated my lower stomahc and it's not even swollen or anything like alot of other people mentioned. Is this normal, am i not pregnant just sick? Please? what the heck is going on. And for the love of God, where the heck is my period? It's an accidental pregnancy but I want a baby so i don't want to miscarry from all the stress of wondering.