Brown Spotting-pg111202353118

206 Replies
Tess - June 29

Hi Everyone, I'm glad to know that I am not a freak, even though I feel like one. I went and had an ultrasound yesterday, after I had one spot last Friday. Since then, I have been getting quite a bit of brown blood with small particles in it. I have not had anything in my urine, only when I wipe. I have had two previous m/c's the first of which I had only a few episodes of brown blood and than a flood, which landed me in the hospital, because I had clots in the opening of my uterus, which would not allow it to contract. I am going crazy right now. I saw the heartbeat yesterday, at 5 wks 6 days 100 bpm, which the doc said was ok but not great. He called it a threatened miscarriage. When I talked to him a little while ago, he indicated that there was nothing that we could do and that I would have to wait until my appointment next Tuesday. My husband tells me, which I know to be true, that only God can handle it now and I need to calm down and take things as they come. I just can't stay steadily calm, I keep feeling crazy. Thank You to everyone who has posted, it shows me a little hope.


Allison - June 29

I seriously have had this for like 2 weeks now. At this point, I'm trying to convince myself that nothing is wrong - after all, wouldn't I have a gush of blood or pain/cramping? And since I haven't yet, I'm just hoping for the best. My ultrasound is on July 6 - so I guess I'll just think positive thoughts until then. It's a bummer because I want so badly to be EXCITED that I'm pregnant - but until I hear that heartbeat, I'm just scared to get excited only to be disapointed later. Maybe it's because my first pregnancy ended in an ectopic at this point. I'm hopefull that this time around it actually is a baby!!!!


db - June 29

I know what you mean I am gonig through that right now, AF not due till 7/3, had s_x 6/24 and well started with a bit of spotting on 6/27 (late that night) and it is still going, I am never early like this I dont know whats going on?


Maria - June 29

I am 10 dpo and having some mild cramping with sore bbs and started having some spotting yesterday. It started as light red once or twice and now I've had brown spotting off and on through today. I feel like I am pregnant, but my pregnancy tests are saying negative right now....waiting to see if I AF comes on Sunday. I hope not.


2nd Time Mom - June 29

More on spotting -- I stopped lifting my 2yr old (30+ pounds) more than 2x daily and the spotting is almost gone. I hope that was it. But spotting changing to red -- I'd call my dr right away.


Lilly - June 30

Well ladies, not to get anyone's hopes down...but I thought I would give an update. Yesterday the spotting took a turn for the worse and it was like I started my period. I pa__sed some fetal tissue here at the house. Then while we were waiting in the ER for FOUR looong hours...I pa__sed the rest of it. So by the time the doctor saw me and I got an ultrasound, I was completing a miscarriage. It really does take a toll on you emotionally. But good luck to everyone else...I hope it all goes well for you.


Jacque - June 30

Stephanie- I had brown spotting almost continuously from the day I found out I was pregnant until I was 8 weeks. At 8 weeks, I went to the restroom and there was bright red blood. It quickly turned brown but I still called my OB and went in for an ultrasound. The baby was fine and there was no bleeding in the uterus. I continued to have brown spotting for another week. The doctor thought it could have just been a broken blood vessel in my cervix. I've since heard the heart beat with the doppler and I'm now in my 13th week. This is my third pregnancy with the first resulting with a healthy (now 6) baby boy and the second resulting in a late miscarriage. I know how scary everything can be but my OB said that bleeding is common in pregnancies. I am pretty crampy with this one as well. I think it is just your uterus growing.


Allison - June 30

Lilly, I'm so sorry for your loss.


Allison - June 30

Lilly, I'm so sorry for your loss. Was it physically painful (I'm sure it was emotionally).


Tess - June 30

Jacque, I guess what I don't understand is how does it continue to come out brown, if it something internal that is bleeding? Have you had any small pieces that look like debris that has peeled off? I know that this sounds kind of disgusting, but I don't know how else to ask. I stayed home from work today and have been laying in bed since my husband left early this am, I'm definitely not a couch potato candidate. Anyway, it seems like the brown discharge has stopped. I'm up now to see if anymore comes out, drinking lots of water to flush it out. I don't have any pain or cramping, but with previous mc's, I just anticipate the onslaught. I almost died with my first mc, because there were clots caught in the opening of my uterus, which kept it from opening and closing with contractions, so BE CAREFUL if you get to that point. I would pa__s out after everytime that I pa__sed blood, sweating profusely. They called it a vascular response, it was not fun. Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories, it makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one counting every minute of the day until my next visit to the doctor.


Katie - July 1

I think I'm 8 weeks and a week ago started spotting like the very end of a period. I haven't seen a doctor yet but the e.p.t.'s give me a faint line. I'm starting to get bigger and my pants are tight. This is my first pregnancy, I'm scared to go to the doctor because my parents will find out that I'm pregnant. Help! Do you have any suggestions on letting my parents know, I'll be 20 in 11 days and still live at home.


Karen - July 1

I am 5 weeks, and think there may have been brown spotting when I wipe. Am unsure if my imagination is just working overtime! Feel better for reading that so many others have same thing!! Thanks


Lilly - July 1

Thanks for your support Allison, and the only physical pain there was, was the cramping. It was like contractions, I'm sure they weren't as bad as a full term pregnancy, but it kind of hurt...but it wasn't bad really, as for everything didn't hurt. To Katie, if you are pregnant, you will need to tell your parents soon. I know it's hard, but trust me you will need their support. I was a young mother too. I'm 22, still in college, wasn't seeing my boyfriend for very long, and both of our parents were VERY supportive of us. Yes it was a shock at first, but after a few days everyone was pretty excited. Just make sure you have everything you want to say ready for them, especially a plan of action. That's always nice. They will want to know how you will support the child, there's lots of stuff out there to look into. Especially a medical card if you don't have insurance. If the father is around, have him with you when you tell your parents. They'll want to see if he is going to be supportive of you. And Good Luck! Parents are intimidating, but they are there for support, and i'm sure everything will go just fine. And for anybody out there who does have any spotting whatsoever. Call your physician IMMEDIATELY. Spotting can be common, but it can also be a sign of complications. And if at any time that brown color changes, go to the ER, or call your doctor again. Let them know you are worried and if they don't seem worried, tell them you need rea__surance, and if they are a GOOD doctor, they will let you come in and give you their rea__surance. If they tend to b__w you off...then that doctor probably isn't good enough for you and your unborn child, so get a second opinion! Alright, that's enough of me. Thank you everyone, this site has really helped me in a lot of different ways!


Nina - July 5

I am at 6 weeks and I started spotting too. I have had cramps for at least two weeks off and on. Mild but they are there. I have been nervious but glad to hear others have my concerns. But in addition to the cramps, spotting, I just don't have any morning sickness at all. I have alittle sicknes with funky smells but that's it. Am I pregnant? Blood test says yes! And so does my chest. Will have a ultrasound 7/7 so wish me luck and Good luck to all!


Alexa - July 5

I am 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I had a brownish discharge that had a little red int_t. It has only happened once, but I am very nervous. When reading up on the issue it talks about watching for tissue or large clots. I am not real sure how big they will be or what they will look like. If you could please help me.


Allison - July 5

Well, not to be a downer, but after 3 weeks of brown spotting (I should be 9 weeks today) I went in for an U/S and all they could see was an empty sac. In my mind, I really wasn't surprised, I never had a real good feeling about this pregnancy and never really felt connected to it - you know? Now it's a waiting game until it pa__ses. I wish you all better luck....



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