Has Anyone Experienced Cramping During Early Pregnancy

634 Replies
Helen - September 14

I am in the same boat as you this is my third with two healthy girls as well and I have had a lot of pelvic/uterus pain and back pain, very different from my other two. I am now 9 weeks and it has gotten slightly better. The dr thinks it just because of stretching and pulling with consecutive pregnancies. Are you spotting or anything?


Anna - September 14

I just found out I'm five weeks PG and I've had cramping all five weeks. Sometimes it is faint, mild cramps and sometimes it is strong, mild cramps. Does anyone know when it normally stops? Mine haven't been as noticable for the last week and I don't know if their going away or just taking a break for a bit.


Ashley - September 14

Beth-Thanks again for the encouragement. I still feel "off", but I had a blood pg test today and it was neg. My husband is relieved, but as I said... I still feel "off". Still sick to stomach, dizzy, tender nips, no period, etc. Husband says to just wait and see... maybe blood test wasn't accurate... I told him it was the most sensitive test I could take... just feel weird and silly.


Beth - September 14

Congratulations Jonay! How far along are you now?


Beth - September 14

Kristy- I hear you! I'm feeling the same way. I never knew my bbs could hurt so bad. I practically have to carry them with me in the middle of the night when I get up to get a drink of water or use the bathroom! Today I felt a little discomfort down where the baby should be. I told my husband about it and he told me it was probably my uterus stretching and that it would be doing a lot of that in the upcoming months! Oh, the joys of pregnancy!


Beth - September 14

Ashley- I'm not sure what else to advise you. Since the blood test came out negative, that is a pretty accurate test. All that I can think of is to maybe see your OBGYN and see what's going on. Stay encouraged and positive, it always seems to help, and it certainly never hurts, regardless of the circ_mstances.


Anna - September 14

Ashley, don't be so quick to trust those tests! I just found out I'm 5 weeks PG and my doctor kept insisting this whole time that I wasn't. But I knew something wasn't right. All my HPTs and a blood test done 8 days past implantation came out negative! Your hCG level may not be high enough to be detected with any tests. Mine wasn't. You'd be surprised how low a woman's hCG level can be even after weeks of pregnancy. I was, also, getting PG s/s....cramping, no period, tender nipples, etc... Trust what your body is telling you before you trust a doctor! Scary thing is that my doctor was about to start me on fertility meds this month that would have caused me to miscarry my baby! Hang in there and wait it out. If you are PG, then it will eventually show up on a test-HPT, blood test, ultrasound, etc... Good luck!


Kirsty - September 17

We have been trying to have a baby for over 3 years now and have had numerous tests, I have been on clomid for 6 months and we are now seeing a homeopath. Every month is the same I get so upset when my period arrives. I know things are in Gods hands and I know it is better to not worry about it or get stressed but it is difficult. Anyway my period is due on 20 Sep and for the last few days I have had the weirdest pains in my lower back/hip area, almost feels like growing pains. I was looking on the internet to see if anyone else had experienced this as an early sign of pregnancy and was so interested in the messages posted on this site. It may be another false hope but at least I know it could be a possibilty!


Britt - September 17

I'm 16 years old and I am 2 months pregnany i started cramping after 5 days of being pregnant don't worry


Ashley - September 17

Beth!!! I took a test tonight and it was pos! :) All I can think of is that the blood test was done too soon! My husband is in shock, as am I! Thanks again for your support!


Beth - September 19

Congratulations! You're pregnant!! How exciting. Take very good care of yourself! This means hubby gets to help you out around the house a whole lot more! Now go make your OB appointment!! Yeah! I am so happy for you! Keep me posted.


Beth - September 19

Kirsty- I so hope and pray that you are. You are right about God's timing and not ours, but it is hard to be patient. In answer to your question I did feel mild cramping in my lower back before my period. A lot of my cramping symptons appeared over a week before my period was to arrive which was not normal. The frustrating thing is that the cramping is just like menstrual cramps with no period, except they started earlier. Also I had sore and tender bbs (which I still have). I am now in my 8th week. I hope this helps. Hang in there.


chloe - September 19

I barely found out I was pregnant yesterday. I have been cramping for a couple of days, just as if I was going to get my period. This is my first pregnancy, and it was unexpected (I got married a month and a half ago). I've had a few drinks these past couple of weeks, and I was a little scared the cramping was due to the drinking. Do you think my cramping is normal, or should I be worried?


Me - September 19

What is bbs?? lol I feel stupid seems everyone else knows Ive never heard of it...Whats it stand for lol...


Christy - September 19

I just found out that I am pregnant last week. I think I'm about 5 weeks. I have been cramping a lot. Mostly at night, it wakes me up a lot. No bleeding though. I called my ob's office and told them what was going on. They don't want me to come in until next week. This is my first pregnancy and I'm really worried.


allison - September 19

I had to terminate at 13wks in May of this year due to chromosnal abnormality. We were devastated and have been trying for the past two months. My period was due today (usually by early afternoon) and I was convinced that I was coming on because I've had quite strong period pains and what appears to be very, very slight bleeding, but brown in colour. However, I haven't started bleeding properly and its nearly 10pm, which is very unusual for me. Do other people's experience of cramping during early pregnancy result in a lot of pain? Or has anyone also experienced period-like pains? I'm too scared to take a pregnancy test in canse I'm disappointed!



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