Has Anyone Experienced Cramping During Early Pregnancy
634 Replies
Thank goodness for all of you women!!! I was in complete panic mode last night b/c I have been having the cramping all along (6 weeks) and last night it was at it's worse. It actually stopped me in my tracks! Up until now, I thought I would feel actual stretching and pulling, on one side or the other which is what I was told, but it has only felt like that a couple of times. The rest of the time it was actual cramps. I also have another concern.. I am only 6 weeks and I am showing already, and have had to buy a couple pair of maternity pants, b/c mine are too small. I am pretty peitie and when I gain weight it always goes right to my stomach, and I've already put on 3 lbs. My first DR. appt. isn't for another 2 weeks. Anything to put my mind at ease ladies?
I have...I am actually...I heard its just part of the pregnancy. Are yours ongoing or just sort of out of know where for a few seconds?
From what I have read and experienced, normal pulling of ligaments that feels like mild aching or cramping is normal. It is a concern when felt with spotting or bleeding.
I am having cramping right now, like I am going to to start my period. I had my IVF transfer last Sat (8/24) with 2 embryos. I go to the dr. Friday for pregnancy test, but I feel like i am going to start my period. Did anyone else experience this so soon with IVF? I am really worried i an not pregnant.
I am 4 weeks and I'm experiencing mild dull achy cramping too. I just had my son last Sept., before that I had a miscarriage and after my son I had another miscarriage but I had cramping with my son and both miscarriages too they just got more and more severe until I actually pa__sed the pregnancy. I pray to god I don't miscarry again I'd be devastated.
hi, i'm late, haven't done a preg. test yet, but am experiencing cramping like a period. i guess i shouldn't worry yet, right? i just wanted to wait a few more days to do the test to be sure. thanks, glad to hear that i'm quite not alone.
Just told in-laws we're expecting and mother-in-law freaked out and gave me the 5th. She even accused me of not being pregnant at all and just lying about it! The next day I had such a sharp pain in my belly I doubled over and just lay on the floor until my husband came in. He helped me onto the bed, but I've been having mild cramping ever since! (This happened yesterday!) Any thoughts? Mother-in-law practicing voodoo?
I know it's to early to tell, but ive been trying to concieve and im supposed to start on sat. Im having mild period like cramps, without bleeding. 'when I woke up this morning I was dissapointed b/c i figured i wasnt pg b/c i was having period cramps. Now I have hope, thanks guys!
So help me out here guys, I see a lot of posts, but not so many outcomes. As of now I am only a week and half late. I had unprotected s_x twice when I was ovulating. I thought there was a chance and then I started getting PMS type cramps and bagged the whole idea, only they are accompanies with an upset stomach and they haven't gone away in a week. As of yesterday I was still testing negitive on home tests. I am very emtional, but that might be because I quit drinking as soon as I suspected. Also I have no darkening of my nipples, but I am nipping most of the time. Please shed some light to my sitchuation.
Heather - Have you done a pg test yet? I had the same symptoms, upset stomach, cramps, no bb tenderness, I did not get the typical pg symptoms untill about 6 weeks. I am now about 3 months pg. If you are a week and a half late and that is abnormal for you, chances are !!!! maybe. Take a test!!!
I am possibly 3 weeks? I ovulated around the 20th. My period is due next Tuesday, Oct 4th. But I've had cramping like you have all described on this website, and wondered if I could be p? I don't remember this cramping with our first baby. This would be baby #2. Also, I was wondering if any tests out there work early or if I have to wait till I miss my period? I am pretty regular 27 days always so.. I guess I could wait. But I'd love to know if pregnancy is what these cramps are all about cause I never get premenstrual cramps till a day or two before. And I've had these off and on for the last week. Help?
Good to hear from you again. It sounds like you're getting sick (which as you know can come at anytime of the day). Being a teacher it is difficult enough to not feel stressed, but you must not let this mother in-law stress you out. She is reacting as you expected I presume. Take care of yourself. You do not want to miscarry. Have you been to the doc yet?
Hello all I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant and I have expreinced cramping on and off throughout my whole pregnancy. I think it is a combination of gas and uterine stretching. it is so nerve wracking though I am so afarid of miscarring but I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and they said the heartbeat is strong and the pregnangcy looks healthy and normal. so I am keepoing my fingers crossed. I think you are ok if you are not spotting but if you are worried call your dr. I did and she rea__sured me. good luck to all
I have taken a pg test, but not since Monday. It came up negitive. I don't know how much of thie psycho-sematic. But I am also "all backed up" i feel hungry and sick at the same time, Oddly enough eating helps. my back hurts like I've been cringed over all day and night, i'm breaking out and my memory is shot. Granted I am kind of stressed the DF is away all month, but I don't think that would make my peirod this late. I keep thinking it's PMS, only I normally have cramps and my period starts the NEXT day aways. Theses cramps are not as harsh as the ones I get with PMS, but they're never ending.. I was at the doctors on monday when I took that test and they said to wait two weeks. That being true I would be over 2.5 weeks late.
I dont have an answer, but I am about 4 weeks, and having cramps like PMS. I am a little worried as well, maybe its just ga__s??? I dunno!
Hi ladies & Heather,
Dont worry, you just have to wait few more weeks(which seems like months at this time...). My doc told me, many wont develop the pregnency harmone in good quant_ty till 8-9 weeks(that's about 3-4 weeks after the due date), as much so that the home pregnency strips can pick-up. even at the end of my 5th week, the 2nd line was very dull on the strip, so she asked me to come after 8 weeks, she confirmed it. Now I am in my 9th week and my cramps have diminished very much. So, Be patient with yourself, eat all you want..., sleep when you feel like...drink a lot of water.... & wait.... Chiao.