Has Anyone Experienced Cramping During Early Pregnancy
634 Replies
hi all. have been ttc but only got 1 chance last month, on time for ovulation tho. :) since then have been experiencing weird cramping. bled lightly for abt 5 days starting sept 19, more or less on sked (am not regular). definitely unlike my usual period which simply flows. this was more than spotting, but really much lighter (abt 1-2 pads/day, even on 2nd day) and no clotting. cramping didn't go away after that. tested 2x last week, both neg. but still have dizziness, mild nausea, food cravings (salty foods!), sleepiness, fatigue, lightheadedness, and a full bloated feeling, plus a heavy uterus. i'd swear am getting af but then, no bleeding. besides, it's too early. sometimes feel throbbing in mid uterus, but mostly fullness and little jabbing/stretching pains, a bit like ovulation pains. veeery heavy uterus - feels swollen. also, i feel like my tummy's sticking out to there! will wait till time for next period before testing again. am too nervous! keeping my hopes up for us all.
Beth-Sorry it's been so long... been dealing with evil child at school who's tripped me 3 times and been suspended 4 times. I'm trying to negotiate with my principal and get this kid out of my room, because of the stress. I'm 13 weeks now, and the first dr's appt was great! Saw the baby wave, it was pretty exciting. Husband's "on board" now and so is his mom. She apologized for being cruel and I've tried to involve her as much as I can. How are things going with your principal? Is your stress level down at all? The kids in my room are strep and scarlet fever (sp?) carriers. Six were out today, and I'm trying to keep the room as clean as possible, but they're still getting sick! Anyhow, hope you're feeling better.
Ashley-I hadn't been around for awhile so I'm glad I checked in today. I'm not sure about school. I'm hoping for the best. I had my stull today and will discuss it tomorrow. I have been overwhelmed with my behavioral issues in my cla__s as well as dealing with administrative stresses. Many of my colleagues are surprised that I haven't gone out on a stress leave or a medical leave yet, but I'm hanging in there. I'm filling out the "book" of paperwork to get an SST scheduled for my behavioral issue in my room. The school counselor already told me he needs to not be in my room but I have to jump through all the hoops to get him out. This could take the majority of the year I'm afraid. I'm currently in my 16th week and things are looking good for the baby. I'm just starting to "show" and I was fortunate to get a 3D and 4D ultra sound last Friday at my dh hospital. His cardiologist colleague hooked me up. It was so amazing. We got a good shot of the face and about 2 1/2 minutes on video. We couldn't see the s_x though as the baby wouldn't cooperate.
I'm glad to hear your dh and mother in-law are all on board. I was sure they would be supportive of you. What state do you teach in? I teach 1st grade in California. Wow, it sounds like you've had major absences in your cla__sroom lately. My absences have been pretty much the same, the same kids out all of the time and the same kids tardy all of the time. It drives me nuts and we haven't really hit peak season for illness yet.
I don't know what to think, I have had scares before, but not the cramping around my pelvic area and sides. Plus my b___sts hurt so bad I don't even want them looked at. Implantation would have already occured last week. I have a test but havn't taken it yet because my ovulation occurs earlier than it should therefore I am not due until tomorrow so I am really confused. I thought I knew about all these things, but I don't. But I do know my body and something is different. I am exhuasted as if I took cold medicine that makes you drowsy, and yesturday I didn't even go to work.....I layed in bed all day long. Any advice?
Hi...I have been on the pill for a few years and recently came off of it after my period Aug. 8. I didn't have a period in September at all, but had one Oct. 1st. It lasted 4 days. Now it is Nov 18th. I took a pregnancy test around Nov. 5th, which was negative. But the last week I have had flu like symptoms. I came home after work the 11th feeling nauseas, tired, and had cramps. I thought I was getting the flu, but I haven't thrown up. Now its a week later and I feel this dull ache in my stomach almost like I have been hit and its sore. Food doesn't sound so good and my pelvic area feels heavy which sounds weird. My husband and I would like to have a baby...I have a son that is 7 already. My body feels off. Does anyone have that achy feeling in their stomach even in their upper abdomen as well as lower. My back aches as well. Thanks.
I've had gas, bloating, no period x 1w, white discharge (no smell, no itch, no blood) and lower abd cramping (feels like menstrual but not preceded by my usual "period poop" (I always poop right before my period starts). I am not on any OCP. What do you guys think?
I am 6 weeks pregnant and I have been having light cramping. I am glad that it is normal. I was worried about that. Thanks for the help ladies.
I am also experiencing cramping. I was due for my period Nov 18 and when it hadn't come by Nov 20, I took a test and it was positive! I went to the Dr. and she confirmed my test. I am now 34 days into my cycle and my Dr. explained that is how pregnant I currently am: 4 weeks, 6 days. My questions: 1) is this correct? I see people referring to being '5 weeks, etc.' Is that how you are calculating it too? How soon can I get testing to hear a heartbeat? Someone said they are going at 5 weeks, but I can't imagine there would be a heartbeat at 5 weeks yet (since that is only a couple more days for me) And 2) I have had intermittent cramping from mild to severe which lasts anywhere from 5-15 minutes and then goes away. The most severe was last night..I felt my insides were falling out...it went on for 10 minutes then stopped. No bleeding- thank god. My doctor says there is not much I can do right now other than wait. I am so worried. Can anyone respond to my questions/concerns please? Thanks so much.
They say the heartbeat does actually start beating around 5 weeks. A Vaginal ultrasound can usually pick it up at around 6 weeks. It's truly amazing how quickly the embryo, then fetus, then baby grows.. It's a very wonderful process. I am only about 5 weeks myself...fourth pregnancy, 1 boy who is 6 and 2 losses...I'm very crampy and very concerned as well. Although the cramping is very normal...my doc's office told me to make sure i'm taking in enough fluids b/c lack of fluids can cause the uterus to sort of contract and cause the cramps. Good luck to you and congratulations!!
Thank you Becca. So I guess this means that I am actually almost 5 weeks then? I can't believe that there could be a heart beat already! Wow. I am trying not to get too excited yet, as this cramping worries me so much that I am expecting the worst (while hoping for the best)... I will keep on the fluids for sure. Is your cramping heavy or light? I am wishing you all the best with your pregnancy too...congratulations! Also...another question...when do you think it's a good time to tell people? After the first trimester is over? thanks :)
i am 5 to 6 weeks pregnant and have been having some cramping. if feels like my periods coming but theres no bleeding thank god. i want so bad to be happy about this pregnancy but i cant at least not until after my first dr's appointment next week. i havent even told my bf yet cuz i dont want to get his hopes up.
Missy, I am the same as you...Cramping and worried as a result...as is Becca above. I too want to be excited...but I am trying to approach with cautious optimism as I've been told that anything can happen in the first trimester (of course the cramps don't quell my fears!) I suppose there is not much we can do other than wait and see. What are your cramps like? Congratulations and good luck to you also!
My cramps are almost a constant kind of ache...also a little of a back ache. As far as telling people, it's such a personal decision. A lot do not tell until the end of the first trimester. For myself, I've told people pretty much right away. My husband and I see it as either they will be excited with us throughout the pregnancy, or help us through a loss. My last lost was very hard, but if it hadn't been for all of my family and friends...it would have been much harder to have to keep it inside. It's also very obvious to my friends when I'm not drinking while at a Holiday party!! :) Anyway, I've seen it as a postiive experience to tell people early on, others see it as hard if something happens to have to go back and tell everyone. Good luck to you all. I'm sure we'll all be just fine!! :)
How far along were you when you had your miscarriages? Were they far apart? I'm so sorry you had to go through that. My cramps are relatively consistent...but once in a while crazy painful...last night being the worst (very strong). This is what makes me concerned the most. I keep running to the washroom checking for blood..but nothing yet. So stressful. I agree with your opinion re: telling people. My husband would prefer we tell people at the 3 month mark..but I think I will begin to tell my family by Christmas (if I am fortunate enough to still be pregnant by then). Thanks again for your support. :)
Lara, I am sure everything will be fine. YOu know the ironic part...when I had my miscarriages, I had no signs eluding to them. My first was in January of 04 at 6 1/2 weeks, very very early. My second was January of this year, but it was a missed miscarriage...we thought we were 10 1/2 weeks along, but when we went in for our checkup there was no heartbeat...evidentially we had seen the heartbeat at 6 1/2 weeks and then by 8 1/2 weeks the fetus stopped growing and died. I had no signs except: loosing my pregnancy symptoms. I really wish you lots of luck. I think if you are someone that is very close to your family and friends, you should tell them. I'm telling you they were great thru everything, right there for me!! I couldn't have done any of it without them. I would have felt so alone in my excitement as well as my sorrow!!
I had cramping the day I had my positive test to about 4-5 days later, just light little cramps, though.