October Babies Pg1265606201

91 Replies
haburkey - March 2

Hey! Where has everybody been?? How are you all doing?! I will be 6 weeks on Thursday lol! Woo-hoo :) I feel like it is just dragging. I thought having a toddler would help move things along a little faster! But the good news is, it's MARCH now :) Another month to get through!! I have been feeling pretty well so far. Just really really sore bbs...they kind of come and go, but this morning...OUCH! Felt a little nausea yesterday, but I know the nasty stuff will be coming by next week! That's what happened last time! I hope everybody is doing well! I go in for my ultrasound on Monday the 8th! I hope to see something! Hear from you all soon?!


ecstaticmommy - March 2

Hey everyone! I got my BFP on 2/23 and the computer says I am due on Halloween! My first pregnancy was a m/c last July so I am super nervous but so far so good. My first appt is on 3/8. I'm not peeing as often as last time but my bbs are sore and I get slightly queasy at night. Also no appet_te!


melissaxoxo - March 2

hi ladies! i'm so outta the loop! how's everyone doing? congrats kimmer & beachbumma! how exciting, and welcome, the more the merrier! looks like we have a lot of halloween and 10-10-10 babies coming! ca__sie - i'm so sorry to hear about your mom, may i ask how is she doing? try staying nothing but calm and positive the best you can. blessedbythree - did you ever find out about the insurance, and why the appts. are so expensive? it's so weird how my hips and thighs have widened so fast! no more skinny jeans for me :( my bf still hasn't told his mom the news yet, and i'm just about 8 weeks! i don't know if i want to be there when he tells her, b/c i know she'll be upset at first. what do you think should i be there or no? still no morning sickness (knock on wood). just extreme soreness in the b___bs, and cramping in the lower tummy. oh, one more question, it's kind of personal, so you don't have to answer if you don't want to. are you still making love while preggers? i want to know b/c we've been, and i find it more arousing than before, i don't know why. i feel like a cow, but it feels good and takes some of the cramping away... what's your thoughts? well, i'll stop babbling, have a great day!! ~melissa


Carolineh - March 2

I found out that I'm pregnant a week ago and my due date is October 31!! I'm wondering though... I'm getting some cramping and some slight sharp pains on my left and right side... Is that normal? This isn't first pregnancy so I'm worried about everything and would love some advice!!


haburkey - March 2

Melissa xoxo- I can't say I've been "doing it" quite as much because I am so tired but if you are in the mood go for it :) Glad everybody is doing well! I also am having some slight cramping on one side or the other! I think it is just normal stretching! Talk to you all soon!


babmama - March 2

hi guys, saw my dr the other day and she said the cramping was probably just the uterus stretching and that as long as it wasn't agonizing and there wasn't any bleeding then it was normal. Also read that by this stage (wk 8) my uterus has doubled in size so no wonder there's cramping! Melissa - that one made me smile : ) One thing i've noticed since I've been pregnant is that I'm a lot more in tune with my body and that if I'm listening it actually tells me what it needs and what's good for it. Like the fact that I'm craving meat and veges and the thought of cigarettes or energy drinks makes me feel pretty nauseus. So I think if you're feeling like having s_x then go for it, you're body must be telling you something and I'm sure your partners not complaining : ) Just curious, where does everyone else live? I'm in little old New Zealand and I'm guessing most of you are in the states.....? Have a lovely week ladies, and as always great reading your posts : )


Ca__sieSong - March 2

Hi Gals! Hope everyone is doing well! Glad to see all the new posts. Welcome to the newcomers. How exciting! I finally got my sore b___bs last week. I don't remember ANY sort b___bs the first time around, but even this time it is not that bad really. It's been worse during PMS. No nausea or anything like that... yet. Just cramping, but it's the mild-moderate cramping that I know is normal. To Melissa, no we're not "doing it" at all actually. We did once right after I found out, and I had a bit of spotting. I could tell it was from the cervix (probably because it is so sensitive now) and so told hubby we'll have to refrain till at least my first appointment. He's totally fine with it and I'm keeping him happy with "other things." hehehe. I do have to say I am also in the mood though, so otherwise we'd be making love more often! I feel so big now. Last time I said I had not gained any weight, but now I've gone up 3 lbs!!! :-( I am not eating more than usual. Really, I am being careful, so it must be the bloating. I got so bloated the last time too. I think I'm just a bloater. That's why I can't fit into my pants anymore either. For those who have asked, my mom is out of the hospital and doing much better. Turns out it is "just" arthritis and bulging discs. Not the best news, but definitely not the worst. It's degenerative, so it's not like her back will fully recover, but she is learning new ways to move so as to prevent another attack. I still haven't told anyone in my family. I'm pretty sure I'm going to tell my sister tomorrow though when I visit her. I don't see her that often and I want to tell her in person. Hope she can keep a secret! I plan on telling my boss at work on Thursday. I work at a clothing store and am supposed to wear their clothes, but I just can't fit into those jeans anymore. I could go a bigger size, but those jeans are expensive.... I'd rather just go to some maternity jeans and wear looser shirts over the top. So I'm gonna tell my boss so she understands the situation. I don't think they're gonna be happy about me quitting, but at least they'll know I can work effeciently even while pregnant. Babmama, I'm in the States. WI to be exact. I'd love to travel to New Zealand someday though!!


Fang - March 3

Hi girls Babmama - I am a kiwi living in Australia. Is maternity care still free over there? I wish it was here! I am 9 weeks tomorrow and have been feeling a bit sick, mainly when I am hungry. I am SO bloated I look about 5 months already! People are starting to ask me at work if I am pregnant. I want to tell them but I had a m/c last year so am very hesitant until I have the nuchal translucency scan in 3 weeks time. I have already had a scan and saw a heartbeat (which was amazing!) and I am feeling all the symptoms (sore b___bs, constipation, dizziness, nausea, frequent loo trips) which I am loving (it means baby is doing well - all my symptoms disappeared last time). Melissaxoxo - we have not been refraining from bedroom antics :) In fact, it actually feels better (maybe becuase there is no pressure from trying to conceieve - we tried for 18 months). But go with what your body is telling you. It knows best.


Mfdez - March 3

I went in for my first transv____al sono and was told a was at 6 weeks ... I have been going back n forth with unsure dates and stood corrected when I first thought I couldn't have conceived mid January but the last time I was with my partned was January 16th so I am hoping I am still early and that we are off on dates...saw the heart flicker but was told it was 58 and should be between 120-160...the tech also told the doctor she didn't see a yolk sac...they sent me for more blood work my hcg weent from 6,000 to 26,905 but my progesterone went down from 10.4 to 6.1...I am scheduled for another tv sono Monday...doctor said to wait and see and preparing me for worse, that if there was no good promising progress that it was probably best not to proceed with pregnancy.... scared...worried....ANY HOPE FOR ME?


jessi01 - March 3

hi everyone, i found out last friday that i am prego's AGAIN, i went in for my 1st sono yesterday march 2 ( my b-day) everything looked, the baby had a strong heartbeat, i am 2 months and 1 week along,i am due oct 4,10, this is the thing, i just had a baby nov5,09 he will be 4 months old this friday march5, when they told me i was preggers, i could not believe it, i was like i just had a baby, but god does everything for a reason, and this baby is a blessing, so my kids will be 11 months apart, how is that for a hair puller LOL. at least they can play together, i hope i have a girl since i have a baby boy already. well keep in touch everyone, and hope everyone is doing great.


Kimmer23 - March 3

Hi girls. Sorry I haven't been around. But, I wanted to stop in and say congrats to anyone new! I'm due around 10/31 (however it could be more like 11/1 or 11/2), but my first was 3.5 weeks early, so I guess I'm counting on delivering a little early :) I live in Ohio, in the states. Mfdez - I'm hoping for you that you get better news at the u/s. I think you definitely still have a good chance - your hcg levels look great!! jessi - wow! 11 months! That is close, but they'll probably be so close growing up, and that'll be nice for them. My two will be about 22 months apart. Ca__sie - good luck telling your boss. That's always a bit nerve-wracking, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Fang - I understand wanting to wait to tell, I just have such a hard time. I'm SOOO impatient. Everyone else - hope you are doing well! melissa - we actually have dtd a few times. I feel about the same as pre-pregnancy, but I always get cramping afterwards. Does that happeen to others? So, I told my parents and my bro. We are waiting to tell anyone else until after my first u/s on March 16th :) I was with an RE, so I get a 7 wk u/s. I'm soooo ready to go...it seems so far away right now! And my dh and I are REALLY nervous about twins (or more), since I was on fertility drugs. Plus, does anynone know anything about hcg levels? Mine was 1058 on 15dpo and then 2827 on 17 dpo (insanely high, huh??). Anyone care about gender? I'm hoping for a little girl (since I have a boy), but I'll be excited with either (or both, I guess)!!! TTYL - Kim


Fang - March 3

Hi Mfdez I had been monitoring my ovulation and am positive that we conceived on 15 January. I have had a scan and am 9 weeks today, so if 16 Jan was the last time you were with your partner, you would be the same as me (give or take a few days). Last year I fell pregnant and had been monitoring ovulation so was pretty sure I knew the exact date I conceived. When I had my first scan I should have been 7 weeks but the scan said I was only 5 weeks. They could see a yok sac but nothing else. I had two more scans over the next two weeks and nothing was growing. All my symptoms had gone and hcg levels weren't going up as fast as they should have been (they were stil going up though which was strange). I knew something was wrong (intuition?) and miscarried naturally at 9 weeks. Having those scans and blood tests and waiting, waiting, waiting were the longest two weeks of my life. If there is no change in your scan and blood test results on Monday, have the D&C. The heartache and anguish waiting for everything to be OK when it's not going to be is agonising. I'm sorry.


Mfdez - March 5

I miscarried naturally on Wednesday.


melissaxoxo - March 5

hi ladies! thank you all for answering my question about love making. i got the answers i wanted. Kimmer23- yes, in fact i do get slight cramping after s_x, so i'm sure its normal, since it comes and goes. also, Kim, what kind of symptoms did you have with your boy? i never have any symptoms such as morning sickness. (knock on wood), but no i haven't had none :) so that's why i think he's a boy, b/c i eat too much, and that's what boys do ;) Mfdez- i know nothing i say will make you fell any better, but i truely am sorry for your loss. i wouldn't give up though, b/c there's lots of successful stories i've read about, and i wish the best for you. Babmama- i live in peoria, az, and it's gettin' warm! Carolinh- welcome to the forum, and congrats on the news! i have cramping on both sides, but more so the left side. the doctor said it was normal, but if it's severe pain, then to go to the hosital. good luck! jessi01- congrats on the wonderful news! how exciting! that's definitely a hair puller LOL HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND!! TTYL


Kimmer23 - March 5

mfdez - I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry and hang in there. :)


blessedbythree - March 5

mfdez- So sorry for your loss... wishing you more baby dust at the right time. melissa- i am very close to peoria in phoenix, right right off the 101 & 10. Not looking forward to the heat at all.... :( I still wont have insurance for a month or two when open enroll come along. I did call my other DR though and they charge $100 plus labs. A lot better than $300 plus labs. The whole pregnancy still almost doesnt feel real to me yet. Maybe it will after I go to the DR next Tuesday... can you hear the HB at 8wks? I cant remember. I dont feel like I am having too many symptoms, though when I write it out I guess my waist and bbs have gotten bigger, though the scale is still the same. I have off and on cramping, crazy vivid dreams... and a few other things. I havent noticed on the s_x thing too much yet... though it is better than when on bc hormones. I actually have feeling, which is great. Wondering when I could myself as 2 or 3 months? Hows everyone else doing that?



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