September Babies Pg1262229939

185 Replies
Mandersmm - February 1

hi ladies. i hope everyone is doing well. welcome to all the new ladies that have joined us. it's been a rough week or so for me. I haven't been able to eat much more than hard pretzels and green apples - but I know it will get better soon :) My first appointment is tomorrow and I am so nervous. I know it might be too early to hear the heartbeat but I hope they at least try. and my name is amanda and I'm from philadelphia,pa.


kearly - February 1

amanda, good luck tomorrow ! sorry for the rough week.... i'm from havertown, pa. are you familiar with it ? it's right outside philly. small world !


first-timer - February 1

Hello ladies! Haven't posted in a while but have been reading. So I am 5weeks and 6 days and had some unsettling spotting this morning. I was like a little blood clot in my discharge. Freaked me out! So I tried to sit as much as I could today and take it easy...I haven't really had any cramping or pain and no other blood signs all day either. So hoping and praying things are okay. Can't help but be freaked out to the max. I know that it is common but I don't really have any other symptoms anymore like I did around 10-12 dpo. I have b___st tenderness and really rare nausea...I do remember with my son my sympotoms really ramped up around 6 weeks to 11 I am still kind of early. Again just freaking myself out. Hope everyone is okay...Anne


Lia - February 1

Hi Ladies! I hope all is well. My doctor’s visit on Friday went well. I was exactly 8 weeks at the visit and the baby was measuring 8w2d. My due date is officially September 10th and I’ve tentatively scheduled my C-Section for Friday, September 3rd. I got to see and hear the heartbeat. My next visit with my primary OB is in 4 weeks and I have to schedule my 1st trimester screen with the perinatologist for the week of Feb 22nd. I’m still feeling very nauseous. The doctor gave me a prescription for Zofran, which seemed to be working until…… today. Yes, I just threw-up. So a little more about me….I live right outside of DC, I’m 36 (very soon to be 37) and my DH and I have been married for 6 years. This will be our 4th child. My son pa__sed away due to a heart condition, and my girls are 3 and 19 months.


rosenow - February 1

first-timer: i will pray for you sweet heart! I really hope everything is ok. I can't immagine how you are feeling but the best thing is for you to try your best to relax and not stress thoughh I know that is almost impossible. Lia: I am so sorry to hear about your son. God works in mysterious ways and sometiimes we don't get to know what he is working at when terrible things happen. I am right behind you!! 8 weeks 6 days due Sept 8th. AFM: like I said above I will be 9 weeks tomorrow!! HURRAY!!! The further allong I get the more confident I grow and the more my tummy grows! I can't believe it but I am poking out just a little already!!! I have had no nauso I am very thankful for that. I go in for another ultrasound tuesday the 9th and we get to see our little Rosebud. My symptoms are becoming mildly less. I still have some cramps if I get up too fast or twist too quick but nothing to complain about. I had a headache for about three days but it was very mild. Well hope everyon is doing well!! Take care girls


jsuchelle - February 2

I'm Michelle and I'm in Mobile, AL. Its driving me nuts not knowing whats going on inside of me.. I can't wait to see this tadpole for the first time!! We have 9 more days!! (Sept 10th). We are paying off all of our debt while waiting on baby. We are hoping (besides car payments and hopefully a house payment) we will have all credit cards paid off! Ekk!! I am a little over 7 weeks and my poor tummy is HUGE! I've gained around 4 inches! I really think this is twins!


Mandersmm - February 2

Hello ladies. I got back from my appointment a little while ago and everything went really well. We actually got to hear the heartbeat which was so cool. The midwife changed my due date a little bit to September 7. I do have to get an ultrasound done on Friday because I'm measuring more like 10 0r 11 weeks, not 9 so they want to make sure of the dates. first-timer: You are definitely in my prayers. I'm sure that everything is okay. I had bright red spotting with my second pregnancy and to this day, I still don't know what it was but everything turned out fine. kearly: It is a small world :) I'm actually a little familiar with Havertown. Where are you going to deliver your baby?


first-timer - February 2

Hello ladies! Just wanted to let you know I did not have any spotting today so it has been about 38 hours since it happened. I really just think that it was an old clot hanging around since I haven't had anything else. I have put away my books and stop searching the internet feverously on the orders of my friend at work. She advised me to stop driving myself crazy with this pregnancy and just relax. She asked me why I was paranoid this time around especially since I was not this worried with my first ( she remembers ). The talk with her kind of put into perspective for me. With my first pregnancy with son I didn't have any books nor did I search the internet all the time in the beginning like I am this time. Thanks for the thoughts everyone...


hsuz - February 3

Hi Everyone, glad to see so many new people - welcome! First timer - I am so glad you're spotting is gone. I am nine weeks today and the last two weeks I have been extra naseous. Last night I couldn't even move - it was HORRIBLE. Hopefully it'll get better in the next few weeks.


kearly - February 3

hsuz, i had the same thing last friday. it was so painful, and my belly was huge. woke up the next day fine though.. first-timer, so glad to hear no spotting. i had that with my first pregnancy and freaked out and they told me it was just left over remnants or something along those lines.... it can still really frighten you so glad to hear it's gone ! amanda, i'm delivering at bryn mawr. we went there with our daughter and loved it there. plus it's less than 5 min. away. how about you ? lankenau ? have an appt. at the ob/gyn today but i called to see if they would do a heartbeat so my husband wouldn't miss it and she said it's a pretty boring appt. guess i'll start the weight monitoring now...ugh ! anyone in maternity clothes yet ? i figure if i can make it another 2 weeks, i'll be alright making the switch.... have a nice day everyone !


Mandersmm - February 3

hi everyone. i hope you ladies are having a good week so far. i had to get a prescription for zofran because nothing was staying down. i hope this makes it a little better for the next few weeks. i also gave up on trying the rubber band thing with my jeans and just pulled out my old maternity jeans. they are much more comfy anyway. kristina: as long as everything goes well, i will be delivering right across the street from you at The Birth Center. if there are any problems, then i will be delivering at bryn mawr as well. i had my first son there and it was the best hospital i've ever been to.


rosenow - February 4

Hi girls. I have had a rather emotional time the last couple days. Just uncontrolable stupidity. Crying at stupid parts in movies, crying over diner for nothing (I am NOT a cryer) Today I am very mad at myself because I ate a chocolate chip cookie and a piece of pepperoni and I feel sick, lethargic and grosse! Pour little baby having to eat that c___p. Anyway, sorry for sounding grumpy but I am lol. Can't seem to control emotions lately. Otherwise I have not been feeling much, tenderness and cramps are all but gone. Only new thing is I find I have to drink ALLOT of water or my urine gets cloudy. I was checked for a uti but nothing came up. Glad to hear everyone is doing well and that appointments are going well. This is turning out to be a lovely little group of ladies! I am looking forward to continuing this emotinal but wonderful journey with everyone! Take care :o)


jsuchelle - February 4

I think my morning sickness is getting out of control myself! I have to watch for my insulin resistance with the PCOS and I think that may be why I'm so sick all day long! I don't vomit.. but I sometimes wish I could because I feel like I may feel better but I know I won't. I have found that starbursts help with morning sickness.. I know its wild but it really works!


Iamamiracleangel - February 4

I'm due Sept 2nd, which would make me 10 weeks today! Anyone else due Sept 2nd?


fismama - February 4

I am actually due on sept 3rd..but wouldn't surprise me to go early! When did you find out?


rosenow - February 4

Hi girls. just got back from the doctors. Everything is sorta good so far. The bowel issue just means that I most likely will have to have a c-section which is kinda freaky but oh well. as long as baby is healthy.



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