Well my situation doesn't end well. I went back on the 30th for more blood tests and my numbers were only 280. But it didn't matter anyway, about 20 min after i got home I started cramping and bleeding really bad. I went back to the ER and after being examined again my dr's ordered emergency surgery to remove the pregnancy form my tubes. It was awful. It has been 3 days and I am up and around but still can't believe this happened to me. Anyway best of luck to all those out there.
shdwdrgn98 - I am so sorry that it ended up being an ectopic. I too had an ectopic on 11/28/05 at 6 weeks. I didn't know anything was wrong until my tube ruptured and I was in terrible pain. They ended up having to remove my left tube. That was almost 10 weeks ago and I am happy to say that I am 4 weeks pregnant now. They started checking my HCG levels on Tuesday when I got my BFP and it was 205 at 3 weeks 5 days, then I went back today to have them checked again. I will get the results back on Monday. They will keep checking my levels until they are able to see something on the U/S. I am so sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you are going through. Were they able to save your tube? I'm hear if you need someone to talk to.
On January 20th I found out i was pregnant and the dr. confirmed with a blood test - hcg levels in the 100s. On the 30th I had very light spotting and went to the dr. and it was estimated that i was 5 weeks - u/s showed a normal sac but she suggested that we do blood test that day and again Wed. to make sure that levels were increasing - Monday the 30th hcg level was 3894 - On wed. it had decreased to 3572 - dr., of course, says this is not good and have another u/s this coming Monday...i am a wreck but trying -after seeing this site that maybe everything is fine...would love to hear from people that their levels decreased and things are ok in pregnancy...just keep thinking when did they start doing all these tests this early and worrying everyone about doubling hcg etc....ughh.
kristi29- Thanks for your support. Yes they were able to save my tube. Iwas lucky there. There was a build up of blood in my abdomin that they had to remove otherwise I could have gotten the methotrexate shot. I'm glad to here that you are pregnant again and I hope that all goes well, I thought I was doing fine but I went to the store today and saw baby stuff and started crying. I kinda feel cheated. I have all this pain and nothing to show for it. But as soon as I am up to it and heall completly my husband and I are going to try again. So I hope that me luck will change. Question? How long did you bleed after the surgery? Best of luck.
shdwdrgn98 - I'm so sorry for your loss, I completely understand. The worst for me was going to the dr. for my follow-up and seeing all these women with their newborns in the waiting room. I just broke down! I didn't start bleeding until about 5 days after my surgery and then I think it lasted about 4-5 days. I will be praying that you will get pregnant again soon! I am here. Hugs.
hey thanx all ur stories have keep my hope going..i am bleeding with no clots or pain had hcg was386 at 6w3d also had u/s only saw a sac and little black dot (not sure what that was ) tech said it culd b the baby....i had blood work 2day to see if levels went up will let u all know how it turns out.....thnax for the encouragement
Well I have stopped bleeding and the incisions are healing well. I have a dr's appt. on the 13th to make sure everything is OK. After that maybe I can start to try again. I keep thinking that I am fine and possibly even over it but then I hear a baby cry and my heartbreaks. I guess this had a bigger impact on me then I thought it did. Wish me luck in suceeding again and I will post back every once in awhile.
kristi29-thanks for all your suport. Hope we can talk again. Best of luck.
shdwdrgn98 - Best of luck to you. I'm betting that your doctor will want you to wait until you have your first cycle before ttc, I know mine did and like I told you before, we got pregnant again the first time we tried. I pray that you will have the same good fortune. Please keep me updated. If you want you can email me at any time at kmallory@nps.cc. Hugs!
I'm new to this board. I've been reading the posts on it from the beginning, hoping to find someone with the similar problem. Based upon my LMP I'm 7 weeks pregnant, this would be my 3rd child in 3 years. BUt from what I know from taking an ovulation test, I would only be 5 weeks pregnant. I have a 5 month old son, so my cycles are messed up. I took the ovulation test to see if I had already ovulated, and to rule out the chance of becoming pregnant again, but it came out positive very late in my cycle. Anyways, I went to the ER yesterday for some light bloody discharge that started Tuesday, along with some cramping. THis started at 8am and hasn't stopped. WEdnesday morning I wake up to see very small minute clots. I have to add that this spotting is so very scant that it's not enough for a panyliner, it's only there when I wipe. I've seen many different shades of blood so far. The ER doctor told me that my uterus was empty that I already miscarried, or it's ectopic and my levels are 3000. I'm going back tomorrow for another HCG check. I have not bled enough for me to even think that I've miscarried. However my morning sickness all went away this week. Has anyone heard of this and went on to have a normal pregnancy? I really want this baby, but I know it's doubtful. I'm also calling tomorrow for a second opinion. I have no signs of ectopic,, they saw nothing in my tubes, but think that the baby's hiding behind a cyst. I still have cramping and light spotting, but nothing more.....I appreciate any info.
Hi, I've read this whole forum and it seems I'm in a similar situation to many of you. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me of any positive outcomes from falling hcg levels. I am 8 weeks today based on LMP, but the u/s only shows 6wks 3days and that worries me. There is a heart though. The bigger worry is my hcg levels. The peaked at 3900 last week (7 weeks based on LMP) and are now falling. They were 3400 today. I have been spotting (brown) off and on since the beginning. I am still hopeful and am looking for anyone who is in, or has had the same situation and had a happy ending. I will post the outcome of my situation for anyone else who is looking for the same info :)
New Here. I have had 2 prvs mc's. One in March 05 and one in Oct 05. Wasn't truly trying to get pg this time. LMP was Dec 27, 2005. Positive HPT on 1/30. By 2/6 had some blood on tp. Went to dr on Tues 2/7 and hcg was 1700. Went back on 2/9 and hcg was 1870. Dr told me I wld mc and offered D&C. I wanted to do it naturally so I waited. By the end of the wknd, still felt pg (a little more even with some slight queasiness) So I called DR. Had another hcg level on 2/15 and it was 2300. Dr told me to come in next day (today). Had u/s and saw sac in uterus but nothing else. Dr said may be blighted ovum or very early pregnancy or vanishing twin theory. But my dates can't be off cuz I keep a diary of these things. I wasn't tracking BBT but was tracking days I started and stopped. Dec was a long period but that was the only abnormality. I am 32 and know my luteal phase is short from previous BBT tracking. Dr told me he did not believe in progesterone therapy bc it prolonged pregnancies that "shouldn't be." I go back in a week. But I want it done one way or the other.
kristi29- I was wondering how you were doing? I hope that all is going well with the new baby. my email is bgoins3@cox.net pls email me if you want to talk. to the rest of you good luck.
Hi everyone. My name is Teresa. I need some advice. I am currently about 6 weeks. My hgc level last thurs was 1500. I went for another blood test today and it came back at 1800. I have to take progesterne because my levels were low. Now my doctor told me today that i should stop taking it because something is not right with my levels and i will prob. miscarry and the progestern is whats stopping me from doing that. But last turs we did an U.S and we did see a very small sac and fetus and what looked like a heartbeat the doc said. She didnt do another U.S as of that one. I'm just a bit confused because i have gone on MANY websites that said my hcg levels could be any where from 1080- 3000 right now, and no other u.s. was done. I feel like i should have a u.s before i stop taking the progestern. How about if there is still a heart beat. I'm really going a bit nuts because i know if i stop taking the progestene now i WILL miscarry for sure. Any advice?
Hi everyone, my name is Julie, would really welcome any advice on the unsettling and emotional time I am going through. I was told nearly 3 weeks ago that have miscarried as I experienced some heavy bleeding for a few days in the very early stages of pregnancy. Since then my hcg levels have been monitored, they started at 80, then went down to 71 and have now risen to over 100. They are concerned that I am may be having an ectopic pregnancy, but am not in any pain. They are doing another scan tomorrow, but I cant help thinking that as my levels are rising there must be a chance I am still pregnant, even though I am aware that my levels are very low. Just wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences and has any words of advice for me. Thanks everyone. Take care x
Mike, I am going through a similar situation. I am almost 6 weeks along, and had spotting, so in I went to have HCG levels tested.The first was around 5500, and 48 hrs. later it is 8900, which is not doubled, but the DR said as long as it went up at least 66% then there was reason to be optimistic. He also stated that sometimes, these HCG tests are not entirely accurate in the first place. I go back tomorrow for another HCG test, and am trying to remain hopeful, although like the two of you, I just am not wanting to get my hopes up, only to be heartbroken. I hope everything works out for the best for the both of you.
Hello all.
I just discovered this site today and feel comforted knowing that I am not alone in my ordeal. Additionally, I feel thankful that my experience might be helpful to many of you. I just turned 40 years old and have 2 young boys. Prior to their biths I had 3 miscarriages. I was told that my 4th pregnancy did not survive by the radiologist who noted no growth, no heart beat and no fetal pole. 2 weeks later when I had not started bleeding, my OB repeated a sono the day before my D&C was scheduled. There was my son, alive and well. 3 months after he was born I became pregnant with my second son. I was told that the chances were slim that he would survive secondary to low progeasterone levels. My boys were born 12 months apart, healthy and beautiful. I then I had 3 more miscarriages. My 9th pregnancy was the only noncomplicated pregnancy until my baby was diagnososed with trisomy 18, a fatal chromosomal disorder, at 20 weeks. My sono's only showed a small for dates baby girl until a very experienced technician found the typical deficits during my sono at the time of my amniocentesis. I underwent a D&E one week later, completely devastated and drained of all hope.
4 months later and I am pregnant again. LMP was Jan. 6th. My HCG levels were rising appropriately and then only minimally after they reached 10, 000. My sono only showed an intrauterine sac at 6 weeks and only dated 4-5 weeks.
My symptoms are diminishing as well. I cried, feeling that perhaps this was the last time I could subject my body and my emotions to such disappointment. I stopped my progesterone, my prenantals and my hope....Possibly prematurely, but too afraid to prolong a bad pregnancy and have any further hopes be destroyed.
I spoke with my OB 4 days later and he told me to continue my progesterone until the next sono, scheduled the second week in March. I am terrified by the glimer of hope I have in my heart.
Yes, progesterone can prolong an inevitable misscarriage, but one should never rely on HCG numbers alone until falling numbers are confirmed with a missed abortion on sono. Even still, if you are not experiencing cramping and bleeding, repeat a sonogram to confirm fetal loss.
It's a very difficult line to walk... maintaining optimism and hope, yet protecting yourself from heart break.
Everyone thinks that I am crazy for trying for my third child the way that I do. I have to incredible little boys, yet I can not get a vision of my daughter out of my mind and feel that if I give up on her, she will never exist. Maybe God has one more miracle up his sleeve for me. I encourage all of you to have hope and not quit as long as your heart knows a child that has not yet been born.
For Tiff77, HCG tests are guidelines and laboratory errors do happen.
For Holliewhittle, bleeding WITH cramping is a bad sign, but bleeding alone does not necessarily indicate an inevitable abortion. You need a sonogram and a repeat of your HCG and progesterone levels.
Theresa: DO NOT stop your progesterone until you have another sono. Your HCG is rising and all is not lost.
For JennB: 2 times I was told that there was no sac seen in the uterus and then it was seen 2 weeks later.
Errors exist in laboratories and even in the hands of experienced physicians. A picture of bleeding, cramping, falling HCG levels along with supportive sonogram findings all together indicate fetal demise. Still...repeat your blood work and have a follow up sonogram before obtaining a D&C.
I do not know where this pregnancy will lead me, but with my history, I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. What else could we all do?
Good luck to all of you and don't quit until your heart is at peace with such a decision.
Please keep posting your information and lets find support in one another.