Confused About Ovulation Conception Please Help
9 Replies
Currently TTC and need some advice, After using Ovulation Calendars i was apparently due to Ovulate around Friday 14th October. Im trying to work out the specific day of Ovulation, Tuesday the 11th October i had major ovulation cramps (what it felt like anyway) but no clear stringy discharge untill the wednesday, So if i'm due to ovulate the coming Friday does it mean the discharge/cramps always happen before the egg is released?? We have only managed to 'get to business' the sunday before, the thursday before expected Ovulation and the Sunday after Ov's. Is there a good chance of conception? Its so tricky to pinpoint whent he egg is released. ANY ADVICE??? much Love Xx
Yes, things do seem a bit out of sequence. Ovulation is supposed to be 14 days before your next expected period, plus or minus one or two days. The EWCM discharge usually comes in the days before ovulation, and ovulation itself can give a cramps and even spotting. Your libido should be high at ovulation. The cervix is high, soft and open (finger check). Sperm deposited in the friendly mucus in the days leading up to ovulation have the best chance. The egg id only viable for a short time (one day) after ovulation. If you have problems conceiving, read up on BBT temperature charting and see if that helps. GL!
Thanks for you Advice, If my Ovulation date was Friday the 14th the i should be 6/7 DPO is this correct? as im newly off birth control i dont know if my current sypmtoms would relate to conception or withdraw from BC. Tingly nipples, mild dull cramps on and off which generate through to lower back, stuffy nose and headache. just a general feeling of unwellness. what you think?
Also more white thick discharge, soemtimes browny but VERY mildly.
Chances are you are experiencing BC withdrawal symptoms. It's easy to get your hopes up too early. Test when you are 14 dpo, but don't get upset if it takes several months to start ovulating normally. GL!
Hi! Just a quick update - due on menses this coming Friday - Over the last few days ive experienced brest PAIN and mild cramping - almost like my menses. Hope this is Impantation and a pregnancy sign as im now 10 days past Ovulation!! If anyone has had these symptoms and have gotten a positive please let me know!!
hi everyone, im 22 years old and just recently in the past two month have gone off my birthcontrol.iI have a 28 day cycle. My last menstrual period started October 1st 2011. i do have unprotected s_x with my boyfriend quiet offten since october 17th i have been feeling sick to my stomach and have been dizzy tired alot to. I thought maybe i should take a hpt i eneded up takeing one on october 22nd nd it did have a faint line but so faint i thought i was going crazy. now just yesterday i took another test and again a faint postive showed up in about 3 mins, this time more noticable then the last. could this be evaperation lines? what do they look like thin? thick? i really need some answers im due to start my period on the 28th of this month but i dont feel like its even going to come. earlyer today i thought i felt what was my period but only dark brown spotting with some discharge and it has now stoped? please help [3
seems to me like we ovulated around the same time possibly nd going threw the same thing iv had to faint positives so i think :S
Hey, unsure as to what Evap lines look like sorry :0( I think i ovulated around the 13/14th of October and due on my period tomorrow so keeping fingers crossed it dosent come! Have you had and back pains or aches? also any cramping? in the last few days ive experienced cramps, headaches, sore eyes, stuffy nose, and i had a pinkish discharge throughout yesterday. These could all be signs of a pregnancy although i try not to look into into it too much. From what you've said you should of ovulated on or around the 14th, and could of had some implantation signs?? anything unusual you noticed in last few days? Xx
actually just yesterday i started getting twinges and slight cramps also i woke up this morning to some discharge and brown blood? i have been feeling sick to my stomach for close to a week now, i actually just got back from getting blood work done i will have the results on friday :)