finding out:
My period is usually 22 days apart on the dot, then two months in a row it moved to 26 days apart (I assumed trying to match my new roommates cycle) then the next month it hit 31 days! This month, after 40 days, I decided to take a test that came up positive.
the problem:
Since we were still trying to figure out if we wanted to keep it or not I haven't gone to a doctor yet. Two days ago I started spotting, then yesterday it turned to bright red blood with cramps. The cramps were pretty bad but I have had worse. The blood never filled up a pad but it was constant. I had a couple tiny (half the size of a pea) clots pass through. I have little money and no health insurance so I am waiting it out to see if I have miscarried or not. My plan is to wait until a few days after the bleeding has stopped and retest. I really doubt that there can still be a living thing in there with the bleeding. I know I am not supposed to use tampons but I gave in today, I am starting to treat this bleeding like a normal period because that is exactly what it feels like.
What do you think?
Yes I know I should go to the doctor, but I won't be able to for another week or two due to the money situation since it is not an emergency.