My Fiance' and I are trying to have a baby, the last time we had unprotected s_x was June 13th. My period is not due until July 8th. My last period this month was only for three days (jun 8,9,10) I have had the following symptoms: faigue, nasuea, extreme tiredness, dizziness, more hungry than usual. These symptoms have been going on for a week. How soon can you detect pregnancy after conseption? Could I be pregnant? How soon could hcg be detected in a home pregnancy test to get a positive result?
first response early can predict 5 days early.11 days after ovulation i got a positive with that test
good luck
You do have the symptoms. It is possible you were pregnant when you had your last period. You can take a HPT right away. If it is negative, either wait till July 8-10 to retest or get a blood test. Blood tests are mor sensitive and can pick up lower levels of HCG. Good luck!